
30 heroes, lost material and Zozobra por bochornosa final America-Nacional

30 heroes, lost material and Zozobra por bochornosa final America-Nacional

Pese a que, días antes, en the Local Football Commission, los hinchas de las barras del America from California I compromised to exhibit good behavior The final of the Copa BetPlay During the night, Pascual Guerrero, the heroes of this stadium, proved the fearmongering of the Vándalos, who, on the contrary, were disfrazados de hinchas.

Solo fold tab Five minutes – and the time of reduction– for the last meeting between America and Atlético Nacional, Cuando a group of lovers de The popular Barra del Cuadro Local is Salió de Control en the Zona sur y empezó a saltar a la cancha, mientras tanto, los que quedaban en la tribuna, encendieron Bengalas y arrancaron sillas para atacar a los polices que acompañaban el encuentro And others, in a difficult situation, came on the journey, Because the people who were on a familiar tribunal had to evacuate the farewell scenario for a while while the confrontation was in the middle.

The arbitration was concluded by the submission of guarantees at the latest at the end of the meeting, and the Dimayor was late as the official representative of the National Commission in the Torneo War. The awards ceremony was held recently at the stadium, although the safety of the youngsters was not guaranteed as they were intimidated by a comrade who was certainly celebrating the seventh title.

Los jugadores, with David Ospina as the leader, Recibieron de Manos del Presidente del Equipo, Sebastián Arango, y del Entrenador Efraín Juárez, la copa y las Medallas, una medida poco common pero forzosa en medium of the situation.

However, when there was unrest just outside the stadium, which fortunately could not be prolonged and only lasted a few months, a tense calm reigned in the Valle capital With different heirs and a profound rechazo for success.

According to Coronel Carlos Oviedo, commander of the Policía Metropolitana de Cali, “some integrators from the American barricades of Cali wanted to carry out violent attacks on the stadium.” The personnel of the Unidad Nacional de Mantenimiento del Diálogo acted and prevented them from setting off and facing a confrontation. De manera preliminar, There are three violated guidelines “I am present at a medical center,” the official said. This month saw the rise of the Cifra de Uniformados Heridos oh, tres de ellos de gravedad.

Without embargo, these days, the hours of the events of the hechos, I have been reporting on the Desmanes dentro and the Fuera of Pascual Guerrero for about 30 years.

Front page: Farewell to: Efraín Juárez, architect of the title 34 years

The commander of the Policía Metropolitana agreed that the officers also noted “daños materiales en e stadio” to the Heridos, noting that this had already happened a few days ago. “In the Comisión Local del Fútbol I made a compromise with the players of these bars to discredit this sporting event abroad. en convivencia, but unfortunately not to the end”. As you can see, you are ready to identify those responsible and the justice system.

“I have appointed a group from the Seccional de Investigación Criminal to deal with the recovery of elements of evidence Checking the cameras on the circuit, it can identify this person who caused this person,” Conclusion of Colonel Oviedo.

In this line, Alcalde Alejandro Eder commented, confirming the success and repeating that those responsible have been “identified and judicially identified”.

“What is still happening at the Estadio Pascual Guerrero is unacceptable. They must not allow violence against football or coexistence in Cali. “Those responsible for the Desmanes will be identified and dealt with in court,” Check Eder on X’s account.

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The local authority has also announced compensation for up to 30 million pesos without informing those responsible for the perpetrators of the violence.

“We received $30 million in compensation for obtaining just one piece of information that would allow identifying and prosecuting those responsible for Pascual Guerrero’s violent acts.” ¡No permission for these people not to be punished! Report to the multi-crime line 3143587212 or to the Policía Metropolitana de Cali,” the official said.

Eder also gave the football commission a name “Se apliquen sanciones ejemplarizantes para las barras responsables. “Football must be a celebration for the family, not a scenario of vandalism and aggression.”

Yes, Cali has provided for a scenario that could follow The most popular bars have become increasingly popular When we finally let ourselves be guided by the squares, the Barra Barón Rojo Sur amenazó a los hinchas del Junior – the club with the América jugó en la ultima jornada – que quisieran enter al Pascual.

The “Notification” warned the authorities about this Domingo party to evaluate the possibility of playing at the door, in a situation that is not present and that is emerging where it is.

Finally, In the end it ended with an Adrián Ramos who ended the day of his despair, collaborating with a national celebrity in a kamerino and an evacuation in a tanqueta Did you leave Alfonso Bonilla Airport to leave the city?

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