
Unionized Journalist Quits Forbes Magazine’s Biggest Day of the Year | The NewsGuild

Unionized Journalist Quits Forbes Magazine’s Biggest Day of the Year | The NewsGuild

NEW YORK – Forbes’ union editorial team – which would normally oversee the launch of
the magazine’s most important issue of the year, “30 Under 30,” have quit their jobs. The
ULP’s one-day work stoppage is a protest against the business magazine’s continued intransigence
Negotiating table and repeated violations of labor law.

“CEO Mike Federle said at a recent town hall meeting that management was committed to getting a contract
that it seems very far away. This is due to his actions and those of the management,”
said Andrea Murphy, section director and statistics editor at Forbes. “We have been and will continue to be
to be willing to enter into this Agreement, including payment that recognizes the value we provide
Forbes. We went out today, on the launch day of 30 Under 30, to show and demonstrate that value
Make it clear that we will not tolerate management violations of labor law.”

The “30 under 30” theme is probably the most important day of the year for Forbes. It features
20 lists of 30 influential people under 30 who are known for their achievements
Successes in various industries. “30 Under 30” is not only high-profile for Forbes, but also
financially important.

But while management celebrates the start of the problem, negotiations continue to stall
Table. Forbes Union worked almost exclusively with the NewsGuild of New York in 2021
For three years, workers fought for a first contract, only to be met with disrespect and disrespect
illegal, anti-union tactics by Forbes management.

Topics of utmost importance to Forbes Union include:
● Wages, including setting strict and fair minimum salaries for each position
● Staff reductions that ensure protection in the event of dismissal
● Severance agreement that sets minimum amounts and provides health insurance coverage.

The Forbes Union also demands that the company stop illegal and unilateral deductions
People from the bargaining unit. The NewsGuild of New York has filed an unfair labor practice complaint
Charge against Forbes in this matter.

Anti-union behavior by management – ​​both at the bargaining table and in the workplace –
has been widely used since Forbes Union was certified.

“Forbes’ success with ’30 Under 30′ is a direct result of the hard work of our members,” said Susan
DeCarava, president of the NewsGuild of NY. “It is long past time for management to recognize this
this fact with a fair contract.”

FOR THE MEDIA: Members of the Forbes Union will hold an in-person rally on Tuesday.
December 3rd at 2 p.m. in front of Forbes on Fifth, 24 5th Avenue, New York, New York. Below
During the rally, union members will demonstrate until approximately 4:30 p.m



The NewsGuild of New York, Local 31003 of the Communications Workers of America, is a union representing nearly 6,000 media professionals and other employees of news organizations in the New York area, including The New York Times, The New Yorker, Thomson Reuters, The Nation, BuzzFeed News, TIME, PEOPLE, Wirecutter and The Daily Beast. The NewsGuild of New York advocates for journalists to have a voice in the newsroom, for freedom of the press, for inclusive and diverse workplaces, and for good reason, with no exceptions, for all media professionals.

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