
Today’s word number 1268 with tips, hints and answers for Sunday, December 8th

Today’s word number 1268 with tips, hints and answers for Sunday, December 8th

Looking for Saturday Wordle clues, hints and answers? You can find them here:

ForbesToday’s word number 1267 with tips, hints and answers for Saturday December 7th

The day of Saturn is over and the day of the Sun has come. A day that for some means attending church, for others an early afternoon drink and for others an opportunity to do chores or sit back and watch football or a good movie. I often meet up with my D&D group to cook and feast and sometimes even roll dice. Sundays are the best days, except for one small problem: they are the day before Monday. Everyone in favor of a permanent three-day weekend raises their hands.

Okay, Wordle time. . . .

How to solve today’s word

The note: Scar’s thugs.

The note: This word ends with a vowel.

OK, Spoilers below!




The answer:

Word analysis

Every day I look at Wordle Bot to analyze my guessing game. You can check your Wordles with Wordle Bot right here.

CRATE was a good start, but not a great one today, leaving me with 106 solutions remaining. By the way, it’s much rarer to see a word with an “A” at the end and an “E” in the middle, so seeing these letters in yellow boxes today was a bit of an outlier. APNEA just popped into my brain as I searched for a second guess. I liked it because it tested the position of “A” both front and back. For my third guess I only came up with two words: ENEMA or HYENA. I chose the less poopy option.

Competitive Wordle Score

I get 1 point for guessing three and 0 points for tying the bot. Again.

How to Play Competitive Wordle

  • Guessing 1 is worth 3 points; guessing 2 is worth 2 points; guessing 3 is worth 1 point; guessing 4 is worth 0 points; guessing in 5 is -1 points; Guessing on 6 is -2 points and missing the wordle is -3 points.
  • If you beat your opponent you get 1 point. If there is a tie you get 0 points. And if you lose to your opponent, you get -1 point. Add it up to get your score. Keep a daily running score or simply play for a new score every day.
  • Fridays are 2XP, which means you double your points – positive or negative.
  • You can keep a running list or just play day by day. Enjoy!

Today’s Wordle etymology

The word “Hyena” comes from Latin hyenawhich in turn comes from Greek hyaina (ὕαινα). The Greek term has its roots in hys (ὗς), meaning “pig”, due to the hyena’s bristly mane, which was thought to resemble a pig’s back. The suffix -aina gives a feminine connotation. Over time it passed from Latin into Old French hyenaand then into Middle English, from which the modern English word “hyena” developed.

Let me know how you got on with your Wordle today TwitterInstagram or Facebook. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me here on this blog, where I write about games, TV shows, and movies when I’m not writing puzzle guides. Sign up for my newsletter for more reviews and commentary on entertainment and culture.

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