
Cruz Azul vs América: Crónica de la Frenética Eliminación Celesta

Cruz Azul vs América: Crónica de la Frenética Eliminación Celesta

The team celebrated and azulcrema protagonized a duel of the antologists in Liguria, which was peppered by the arbitration and reclaimed to the juez

Cruz Azul fue eliminated por America 3-4 in the semi-final del Aperture 2024, 90 minutes later, when I made a mistake in defense that affected the marker because he was sued for arbitration and provoked a frenzy in the team that was brought into shape reclamos y voces en contra del silbante Adonai Escobedo.

The sequel revives the failures that marked a semi-final that fell on the retinas of lovers in a historic series of duels League MX.

When I started the Frenesí of Cruz Azul, it just ended

When the song was silenced in front of America, errors were recorded in 15′ and 49′ years Alexis Gutierrez j Rodolfo Rotondior Cruz Azul Eat the magical experience your lover had in the middle of the evening Gonzalo Piovi Para Ignacio Rivero That was the 1:2 win (68′); sin embargo, Jorge Sanchez As a new part of the team, it was likely that Ramón Juárez had to withdraw because the Red Gracias had a marking error on the balloon that was in the 1st-3rd. round was torn. (72′).

(80′) We’ll have more to do with what’s going on, Cruz Azul I went into town with the ship’s masters and received a request for clemency from an assistant for the last time before Sánchez’s reparation Gabriel Fernandezwho was on the field with 2-3 to reflect the superiority over the rival.

Cruz Azul made it to the final

(86′) The zenith of passion Cruz Azul We arrive four minutes from the end, Cortesía del Canterano Amaury MoralesQuien dio un golpe casi definitelyo al America With the score at 3-3, he had a clear view of the balcony of the room he occupied Luis Malagon y cuyo único contacto with the esférico fue para sacarlo del fundo de su marco.

America sues the court for a penalty

(89′) It took me a few minutes to complete the maneuver and get to the end of the tunnel Rodolfo Rotondi con Eric Sanchez In the area where the water is close to the equipment and the conflagration, the Silbante can impose a criminal decision on the tacit revision by the VAR, accompanied by the judges of the Bandos in an oral argument and by Manos, as well as as complaints in today’s direction from the side del body técnico.

(90’+4′) After several minutes of errors in the revision, a detailed review of the playing time, and more minutes decided as additional time, Rodrigo Aguirre Colocó el Esférico in the Manchón and Venció to Kevin Mier with a crossword that engaged the meta-Colombian and brought together the 3-4 in the Pizarra.

A new political arbitration

(90’+5) Jorge Sanchez Sacó de manos por la banda derecha en the ultimo tercio de la cancha, para dar dar game a Gabriel Fernandez de espalda al marco; Without embargo, the Delantero received a cargo from one part of the other Nestor Araujo In the back I received Pisotone in a tobillo, a bar and part of the grate. No obstante, Adonai Escobedo Since it is a possible malfunction, it is because the Delantero goes permanently beyond a considerable period of time and falls short of the claim Ignacio Rivero.

(90’+8′) Rodrigo Aguirre forcejeó con Gonzalo Piovi During a dispute over a balón in the center of the Cancha and the Atacante, which was in the field of the double Amarilla, I had to obtain the first place for 3-4 months later.

The Euforia continues through the children

With the silbatazo final, Cruz Azul I retreat in silence and rumbo the Vestuarios at the Estadio Ciudad de los Deportes, mientras America Celebrate the final step after the song and the meta Luis Malagon When he retired because of his assistants on oxygen, he had to be under pressure a week later.

Once we were refereed on the tunnels of the stadium, the heat of the moment was drawn off the clothes and can be personal Cruz Azul vociferó airadamente en contra de Adonai Escobedo por el trabajo efectuado como juez central.

Adonaihijo de ****”, “Van a salir todas las images”, “Todas las images van a trascender de newevo”, “Otro partido turbio”, fueron algunas de las frases que se escucharon en los pasillos de los dressres del Estadio City of the Deportes.

Ignacio Rivero speaks to the press

Los ánimos bajaron por un breve lapso; Without embargo, the commitment of the means of communication in the hall of the Prensa to a new catalyst could deter the players Cruz Azul Salieron del Vestuario to make sure you do everything and dig. Moments later, the tech interns harassed them with the reporters who captured them on video. Including a person who puts pressure on personal safety and club integration.

Quoted later, the captain of Cruz Azul, Ignacio Riveroaccompanied by the President of the Entidad, Victor VelazquezIngresó a la sala de medias para ofrecer disculpas a los presentes.

“Les pido disculpas, no sé lo que pasó.

Palabras finales de Jardine y Anselmi

The first technique is a comparison before the microphones work André Jardineacompañado por personal de Cruz Azul Equipped with cameras to grab the preguntas of your senders. The Brazilian Técnico was enthusiastic about the reward needed for the team after some moments and critics at the start of the goal and could not accompany the results with the azul blue color.

After a lapso tenso, Martin Anselmi Be prepared to recognize that “emotions are what get the kids in trouble,” and retreat first before choosing “Barbaridad.” Cruz Azul y resaltar que seguirán en la busqueda del ansiado título.

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