
Viewing the 2024 Geminid meteor shower

Viewing the 2024 Geminid meteor shower

Michel Deconinck, the deputy comet recorder for the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, also loves watching meteor showers. This watercolor is his impression of the 2023 Geminid meteor shower from the perspective Artignosc, Provence, France.

Geminids in 2024 will largely be spoiled by a bright moon, which will reach its full phase on December 15th. The time of maximum activity is expected to be between 17 UTC on December 13 and 1 UTC on December 14. This timing favors Asia, but good Geminid activity can be seen in most parts of the world on December 13th and 14th. Because most Geminid meteors are faint, as are most meteors in general, the intense moonlight will obscure at least 75 percent of the activity normally observed in years without disturbing moonlight. That would mean the Geminids would produce about 15 meteors per hour at 2 a.m. both mornings.

Observers can avoid moonlight by observing it in the predawn hours after the waxing moon sets in the week before the 13/14 maximum. Hourly rates during this period are 5-15 per hour depending on the date. At this time of night, the Geminid jet is in the western sky, but Geminid activity can still be seen throughout the sky.

Geminid meteors can be viewed from anywhere in the world throughout the night. Only in Antarctica, where there is 24 hours of daylight at this time of year, is this display not visible. For observers located near 30 degrees north latitude, the Geminid radiator will pass overhead at about 2 a.m. local time. The entire Northern Hemisphere has a good view of these meteors. Conditions will become less favorable in the Southern Hemisphere as the radiant will only be visible in the morning hours in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the southern parts of South America. Viewed from these southern locations, the radiant is also much lower in the northern sky.

Seeing 15 meteors per hour is stronger than most nights of the year. So if your skies are clear, seeing these meteors is worth the effort. Photographers may also want to take advantage of the illuminated landscape and try to capture bright Geminid meteors near the horizon, where they are most numerous.

Only two more major meteor showers are predicted for the Northern Hemisphere’s “meteor season.” The normally weak Ursids peak on December 22nd with a half-lit moon in the morning sky. The expected hourly rates would only be around 5. The Quadrantids’ peak is expected to reach between 3 and 5 p.m. UTC on January 3, favoring Alaska and far eastern Russia. Hawaii may be well positioned, but the radiant will be much lower in the sky and therefore less activity. Since there is no disturbing moonlight for the Quadrantids, peak rates could be quite high, exceeding 60 per hour at the preferred locations. The peak only lasts about 6 hours, so most of the world will experience a much weaker display.

Tags: 2024 Geminid meteor shower Geminid meteor shower

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