
Former CNN pundit apologizes for ignoring Joe Biden’s apparent mental decline (VIDEO)

Former CNN pundit apologizes for ignoring Joe Biden’s apparent mental decline (VIDEO)

Former CNN talk boss Chris Cillizza has apologized for ignoring Joe Biden’s deteriorating mental health, which was blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention.

Who knew journalists were capable of shame?

It’s ironic to hear that, considering how the media treated anyone who brought up the subject of Biden’s age and condition for years, until the moment they couldn’t cover it up anymore.

FOX News reports:

Ex-CNN pundit apologizes for ignoring Biden’s mental decline: ‘I should have pushed harder’

A former CNN pundit has offered a mea culpa for ignoring concerns about President Biden’s mental decline.

Chris Cilizza, who served as CNN’s editor-in-chief before leaving the network in 2022, spoke openly about his lack of journalistic curiosity about Biden’s inauguration after the New York Times and Wall Street Journal published two damning reports this week that raises concerns Light on the president’s weakened condition.

“As a reporter, I have a confession to make,” Cillizza began his “apology” on his YouTube channel on Thursday. “I should have pushed harder sooner for more information about Joe Biden’s mental and physical well-being and any signs of decline.”

Cillizza acknowledged that during his time at CNN, Republicans “pinged me regularly” asking him why he hadn’t addressed Biden’s decline and how he would “dismiss” them since he had seen no “evidence” of the president’s decline .

And in addition to admitting that he relied on the White House’s word, he also acknowledged that he felt guilty about “age-shaming” Biden.


Not everyone buys it.

It seems too little, too late.

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