
¡Polémica! Penalty for Rayados vs. Pumas, time stamped, two days later

¡Polémica! Penalty for Rayados vs. Pumas, time stamped, two days later

This time, in the finalist circle, the Polémica arbitration tribunal did not fail Daniel QuinteroQuien fue the referee central del juego entere Rayados y go Pumas de la UNAM.

The decisions include, in particular, the penalty, which ends with the final dispute between the parties and the announcement of the decision League MX He criticized the work of Quintero Huitronamong other things, Francisco Chacon.

Pictures of the Lugar al Tecatito fire

In redes sociales, Chacon Make sure that the person punished committed a mistake, and argue that this cannot be the case, because the man who did not tolerate it is sufficient for him to agree with it Rayados When I came across the encounter, I had to get going.

asimismo, Felipe Ramos Rizo The argument that the mano is not sanctionable also shows disregard for the fact that your ex-colleague, the mano is not intentional and has no intention of playing esférico with the mano.

Ramos Rizo criticizes the VAR

After what followed in the encounter with the Rayados and the Pumas, especially because of the sanction of fire on the spot, when it was canceled in favor of the region, the Exárbitro ensured that the sanction was wrong and the sentence imposed in Mexico was adhered to Good VAR.

Due to the failure of a good VAR system in Liga MX, the game to Monterrey was canceled in an incorrect format and Corona was not in sight during the game when Ramos Rizo’s release ended.

YOU MAY BE INTERESTED: In the penalty area of ​​the last minute, Rayados sacó ventaja ante Pumas en los Cuartos de Final

The legal proceedings are discussed with a player

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