
Alivio or fraud? What kind of market reading for Haddad’s announcements?

Alivio or fraud? What kind of market reading for Haddad’s announcements?

Don’t know if this is a deception about the market? After an emotional price in the fourth quarter (28), which was compared to a dollar or the highest nominal value in its history, Fernando Haddad, Minister of the Fazenda, said to the first information that he found negative, without compromising on the financial situation to have to accept o Pacote em coletiva nesta quinta após pronunciamento na noite de ontem.

As the main component of the guest content package with the intention of achieving greater economic efficiency of R$ 70 in the next few years, the Ministry indicated the following: Do arcabouço fiscal; ii) I have not received a salary subscription limited to my profit of R$ 2640 per week and a minimum of 1.5 salaries. iii) operating on behalf of the military, with a facility that has a minimum length of stay and limited thought transfer; iv) the rule that no public salary is paid; v) Determination of 50% of commission payments for payment, and increase of the limit for payment of worldwide commissions; vi) Strengthening mechanisms to control fraud and disruption.

The minister also announced that the fine amounts will be increased by R$2,824 and R$5 million respectively. To offset the tax impact, the government received a minimum tax in tax liabilities of more than R$50 million.

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More specifically, the package had an economic impact of R$ 71.9 billion between 2025 and 2026, with an impact of R$ 327 billion in 2030, after the Executive Official learned about the package.

In this fifth statement, the governor announced that some of the measures they presented to Congress constituted a restriction on the regrassing of the Benefício de Prestação Continuada, which was not announced during the announcement of the Fazenda Minister Fernando Haddad on national radio e television. No BPC, he has not previously linked the derivation of the trial to the management, the agreement with the representation and the passarão to the contact for access to the trial and the non-resident companion and the farewell to Irmão’s, Filho’s and Enteado’s co-residents.

Fernando Ferreira, XP’s chief strategist, said for the first time that he received R$5 million after the IR assessment because the market was waiting for him to come into the room for this survey, but Haddad clarified that He was two months old. They are independent and have decided so. A tax increase is also approved. It is a livelihood and is being put into the market, which calls into question the governor’s ability to implement other policies.

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For macroeconomic analysis of XP, when I was sure it was worth more than R$70 after it was previously announced, it was rejected.

Felipe Vasconcellos, an employee of Equus Capital, said in his statement most often that he stated that he had an intention to keep an image of the government after being briefed on the subject of the op-ed in a row. “It was a surprise that I received an IR permit that was 5 million Reducing the response to the tax laws,” he told the court.

Since the implementation of all announcements depended on the approval of Congress and the Governor in the past with his estimates, “further clarifications are needed to make the presented medicines precise and truly effective,” added the expert.

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Sidney Lima, an analyst at Ouro Preto Investimentos, told Haddad that he was demanding tribute payments, especially in the event of an initial deficit, or that he was demanding control over public administrations and allowing him to put two lawyers on trial. Nevertheless, we warn you not to donate exclusive funds and super bill to reduce investors’ appetite for higher returns, which will negatively affect the cash flow for the pocket and entry into foreign investments.

Jefferson Laatus, chief strategist of Grupo Laatus, commented on the focus of the head of government, which received him for the most penalties, in connection with the IR request for salary payments of R$ 5 million. He believed that the policy of technology was at its highest since it had not yet been approved by Congress.

“Errou na mão, na stratégia e no time. There is a risk of tax, inflation and monetary policies to drive down the price. “No final agreement, o anúncio trouxe compromisso nenhum,” said Laatus.

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Daniel Cunha, strategist and head of BGC Liquidez, looked at the Haddad balance discourse and noted that the package went directly in the right direction and addressed complex politics. However, I regret that in the last hour of my registration with IR I can receive a “buraco” of R$ 40 billion, subject to the approval of the compensation payments.

Davi Lelis, expert and partner at Valor Investimentos, said that while he was relenting after Brazil’s announcement of the financial crisis, he warned of the volatility that could come to the market. I neglected the unpopularity because the salary limit is limited to a minimum salary and the payroll limit, which can cause resistance to the entrepreneur.

Felipe Salto, chief economist at Warren Investimentos, said the package announced the minimum measures needed to restore credibility and achieve financial balance. He found that he was not enough as a positive reviewer to achieve a result that was primarily adequate to establish himself in the market.

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Roberto Padovani, economist and head of the BV, was of the opinion that the meditas and the correctness, but they are incomplete, that the indexing and training continued to be 100% in the reception change. Padovani was also affected by political concerns about the reduction of the IR because it had received R$5 million, which could lead to the possibility of combining divisions within the government within one term of government. She expressed her attention to the fact that she was liable to tax over the course of a current government cycle starting in 2026.

Head and financial market expert Jeff Patzlaff pondered whether he would do the same and warned of the difficulties of the day in implementing the actions that yielded real results. It was noted that the rumor that the IR shipment was worth just a dollar and that the Haddad package was unable to “finance” the economy.

Victor Furtado, head of wealth management at W1 Capital, handled the execution of the package. “We know that it was recently clear that it is an economic activity of R$70 billion that not long ago caused Arcabouço fiscal deficits,” he confirmed in a comment sent to clients. “We weren’t so concerned about the fact that we could engage in a public event, but it doesn’t last long,” he said.

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(com Reuters)

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