
Amenazante, Rayados is a finalist and desperate for America and Cruz Azul

Amenazante, Rayados is a finalist and desperate for America and Cruz Azul

An exceptional, sublime Monterrey in the second half of the period; Relentless, because the opponent rezumaba, transpiraba, ese tufo agrio a victima.

LOS ÁNGELES – The perfect city: the murder and the suicide. The perfect training for the desperate. The best players of the Torneo – and the other Torneos – San Luis and the first finalist of the Apertura 2024. 5-1 in the explosive night of Monterrey. 6-3 in the Epitaph of the Potosinos.

Doménec Torrent monto la trinchera. A perfect parapet. Resistió 45 Minutes Esa Cortina de Estoicos y Espartanos Humanos. It was a mediocre 0-0 tie with Esperanza Potosina and Angustia Regiomontana playing. The Saltimban arquero Andrés Sánchez was the hero without a saber when Villa left him in the second season.

An exceptional, sublime Monterrey in the second half of the period; Relentless, because the opponent rezumaba, transpiraba, ese tufo agrio a victima. Well, finally, the Gigante was attacked by the Gigante Acero. In the version of Rayados that he found, he did not face the ex-Rey Midas Vucetich and the winner, who earned Tano Ortiz.

¿Para que alcanza? With Cruz Azul and America being the main focus, the other semi-finalists are therethe gladiators of this Domingo so that their worries prolong the Grand Finale.

¿Para que alcanza? To hold Monterrey least in honor, if there is a similar or superior version, in the hope of Mexican football, one must already be ahead of the favorite Cruz Azul or in front of the eternal friendship of the young American bicampen.

Has San Luis surpassed its defensive bastions? Torrent sabía the torrent pretending to play Rayados, especially with five altísimo football players. For this emergency, the first patients and the implacable successors: Sergio Canales, Oliver Torres, Corchito Rodriguez, Lucas Ocampos and Germán Berterame.

Yes, that melodic pentagram of Rayados, the Pentagono delictivo of Monterrey, esos Cinco Jinetes of Apocalipsis potosina was attacked by animals in the second year after San Luis. I had great spectacles, like the Canales company, and like the third Brandon Vázquez, when Berterame and an autograph from Daniel Guillén delivered the verdict that went to the delirium tribuna of the trial and the Dudas, evocando, los spectros de otros Fracasos, the anniversary appearance was recently announced in another final. Claro, Supreme Alegria must wait in front of the machine or in front of the Águilas.

Dominic Torrent went to the trouble of hiding the suicide. After the 2-0, Retocó su esquema. Lanzó a la cancha and esos que transpiran amenaza: Vitinho, Leo Bonatini and Salles-Lamonge, who revived the drama in the 3-3 when they gave Vitinho a clear penalty, but that Gato Ortiz was just Marco, remolonamente, refunfuñando, porque el VAR le apretó las Please adjust the contact lenses.

But in San Luis the Resoplo furtivo del Empate was no longer carried out. The settlement was sent to Banca de Rayados with the withdrawn amount. And I wanted to leave the house, but the solid men had not made it, and Cayeron as Alcayatas over the car of Guillén, a trolleybus of Oliver and the Zapatazo of Brandon Vázquez.

San Luis was killed by the dignitaries of an ardent league animator, largely because of expropriated finances and name-calling, as he invaded the media city of Monterrey indecisively for about 175 minutes.

Martín Demichelis considered meeting his rival in the final to organize the next 90 minutes. The first local before the Azul compound, he joined his Mastines, specifically the Cinco Jinetes of the Apocalypse, and was a five-footer who chose the Montana region.

Yes, it’s America? IGual de Complejo Será in reverse a Jugar con la fortunainvested the people in front of a equipment that was at its best before the play-in and testily displayed the galardones of Bicampeón and #ÓdiameMás.

However, the reality is that the university is not concerned with the Rayados once they are opponents, revisará tiritando, the great details, the versatility that they had at the gala in Monterrey before San Luis. Yes, I didn’t just get the visa in the final, but I got going and set off.

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