
America: Exaggerated reactions to the triathlon race in the MX league

America: Exaggerated reactions to the triathlon race in the MX league

“This America is an era-equipment and has the best entrepreneur in its history”; Sometimes it’s juicy and there are other reactions to the azulcrema equipment

America venció 3-2 a Rayados On the global marker of the series from the title to el Apertura 2024 de la League MXhe was consulted as the first triathlon in the era of Mexican football tornadoes, repeating a challenge that he followed in a different competency format throughout the decade of the 80s.

The plant of America is an epoch-making equipment

The current project of the three-headed America came in 2017 with the edition of Santiago Banos Al Cargo is the president of the sport. Over the course of its first years, the blue policy was essential to critics from various countries; Without embargo, I rebuilt the properties of Palmas Gracias on a solid base that I built in the plant that I confiscated there.

Inside the Vestuario, America Join the table of contents with players you can identify as lovers of these characters Heinrich Martinhistorical outfitter as he is Alvaro Fidalgo Y el portero Luis Malagon. Además, dispone del técnico André JardineI recognized the uniqueness I had at the end of my first semester in the azure bank and maintained the Corona crisis in the following Torneos.

The 25 players that make up the Vestuario America14 han wrote his name in the Tricampeonato registrations and identified him as Claros Cimientos de la Plantilla. Of the players once remaining, three players were in two titles and they celebrated their first title as Águila at the end of the year Apertura 2024.

Veredicto: This is not an exaggerated reaction.

Jardine is the greatest entrepreneur in American history

André Jardine llego al America Before the 2023 Apertura begins, I have to take time off from school for the next week Atlético de San Luis During three torneos and on the border to eliminate the teal equipment ended at the last moment Clausura 2023 Across the pitch at the Aztec Stadium.

A su arribo, André Jardine Even if the critics have no concerns due to irregular orders and the resulting disadvantages, do not stop trying to silence the negative voices against the Fechas-Andar Liguilla del Apertura 2023 For the second time, I was equipped with the best team during the regular phase and I was the winner of my career on the list of technicians who appeared with a team at the end of their Torneo debut.

Be it meses después, André Jardine Mantuvo read the inertia, repeated as the second best equipment of the semester and brought the new peak to the Obra as Campeón del Clausura 2024thanks to a defined playing style based on high pressure and association mechanics with a 4-2-3-1 construction that is immobile.

El Apertura 2024 trajo consigo un reto añadido a André Jardine To maintain the Trono de la League MXPues la plantilla del America Several lesions were performed during the semester because the structure used by the Brazilian technician was made according to the modifications suitable for the available students.

When players define the maximum number of players in a club, titles are important parameters to determine a place in the bench. André Jardine I am in first place of the technicians with the most trophies received for the showcases in America and I congratulate them on the three titles League MX que ha alzado, además de una Supercopa de la Liga MX, Campeon de Campeones j Campeones Cup.

Veredicto: This is not an exaggerated reaction.

Henry Martin is an American

El delantero Heinrich Martin Registra 115 goles con la camiseta del America When I come across the blue Maximus Anotadores on stage in the club’s history, I join them Octavio vial (152), Cuauhtémoc Blanco (153) and Luis Roberto Alves “Zague” (188).

Heinrich Martin Fichó con America previo al arranque del Clausura 2018from lo que llegó a dicho puesto histórico dentro de los goleadores azulcrema en 14 torneos (7 años con one meses), mientras que a Octavio vial the tomó doce años, Cuauhtémoc Blanco I have discovered over the last five years that I have been here since 1992 to 2016 Zague en dos lapsos que comprenden Once años.

As always, thank you for the title Apertura 2024, Heinrich Martin I went to four Liga MX titles and entered the second round of competitors who had the most trophies in your competition, alone with Cristobal Ortega and Alfredo Tena, who gave you a mark.

Veredicto: This is not an exaggerated reaction

This is more than the 80th

America I decided to read the title of the book Liga de Primera División Professional 198384, 198485Disputes over the format of the large torneo at 38 Fechas y Liguillaasí como el Prode 85Competition that was played just a year ago with the Olympic Games celebrated in Mexico.

En la temporada 198384, America Finalizing the first stage of the classification with 51 points and a few days later on the way to A Monterrey in the final (2-1), a Cruz Azul (2:0) in the semifinals and before the end Guadalajara (5-3).

Al año siguiente, America Repeat of the title, without embargo, finally as before the game with 46 points and 10 minutes Liguilla despachó a Chivas in the final (3:0), Atlas and semifinals (1-1, 9-8 Pen.) y Cougars (4-2) in the series after the title.

The Torneo Prode 85 The Campeonato was organized recently 198586 I stayed from June 12th to October 6th. I think that from the beginning I certainly did not speak to the FIFA action to consider the upcoming league goal without there being an embargo and that the view was already good a year ago.

En el torneo Prode 85, America avanzó as segundo lugar with doce puntos luego de other partidos y en Liguilla venció a U. de G. in the quarterfinals (3-1), Atlas and semi-finals (5-3) y al Tampico Madero In the final (5-4) there was a Remontar and Vuelta adventure from Cuatro Goles.

In total, America Over the course of the 80th decade (84 in the regular season and 18 in Liguria) there were 102 disputes over the creation of the Tricampeonato.

39 years ago, a few months ago and new mediocre days, America Conquer a new Tricampeonato de League MXbut it was an opportunity just before the Torneo format, on February 17th and in Liguria.

America culminó el Apertura 2023 as primer lugar con 40 piuntos y en Liguilla eliminó a Leon in the final (4-2), Atlético de San Luis (5-2) in the semifinals and before the end tiger (4-1).

One semester later, America I just tackled the Puesto de Honor League MX With 35 Puntos and Dejós on the Way of St. James Liguilla A Pachuca (2-2, best position on the board), Chivas (1-0) J Cruz Azul (2-1).

En el Apertura 2024, America The format of the play-in is beneficial to you Liguillacan complete the semester as a Novena General with 27 weeks before it ended Tijuana for the boleto a la ‘Fiesta Grande’. The blue-green team was eliminated one last time in the race Toluca (4-0), Cruz Azul (4-3) J Monterrey (3-2).

On the whole, to be able to three camp in Torneos Cortos, America Argument with 70 participants (51 at regular intervals and 18 days). Liguilla y uno en Play in). It is that the current teal equipment was less than 80 years old 32 years ago to track it.

For the profundity in the Estadística, el America The 80 registered a balance of 43 Victorias, 32 Empates and 16 Redes for the three-way fight, while the actual Marco was 31 Triunfos, Doce Iguales and new trophies.

Veredicto: Reacción exagerada

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