
America: Lovers of Tetracampeonato en festéjos en el Ángel

America: Lovers of Tetracampeonato en festéjos en el Ángel

The Seguidores of America overwhelmed the figures that turned the title of the Tercer on its head, but the correspondent of André Jardine

MEXICO – La aficion del America volvió a hacer suyo el Angel of Independence To celebrate a new title, this is the opportunity Apertura 2024but it turns out that he was in the front row of the story of the Torneos Cortos League MX.

Miles of lovers arrive at Paseo de la Reforma, one of Mexico’s capital’s most important avenues, to celebrate in large churches, agreeing to the title even before this evening MonterreyRival al que America The game ended with a 3-2 win at Estadio BBVA.

The Americans take the technician’s paper Andre Jardine and with the songs “somos tricampeones, somos tricampeones”, also pedían alcanzar el tetracampeonato.

“Queremos la cuarta, queremos la cuarta”, fue el gritoque se escuchó por las mediaciones del Angel of Independence As we wrap up the party in Monterrey, an employee of the city’s security secretariat has to stop one of the capital’s most important monuments.

Cientos of Banderas al Aire, Espuma de Colores, trumpets and t-shirts in amarillas pintaron las inmediaciones de la zona, mientras que los endores ya ofrecían las prendas con la decimosexta estrella.

Americanistas graduated from Rotondi

The Afición Azulcrema increased the title of football player Cruz Azul, Carlos Rotondiquien fue clave in the semifinals of the Vuelta at the Estadio Ciudad de los Deportes.

During the celebration of a name lover, Jordi was subjected to a structure to celebrate the title Americabut your player had a number and a name in Coapa’s team. The number 29 and the Apellido Rotondi who appears on the stage can be considered “the best player in the world”. America“, Your punishment order is that the Azulcrema must be accelerated to the end Rayados.

Balance blanco en festejo

Miles of Coronas with lights on the Paseo de la Reforma mientras que fansicionados cantaban a una sola voz a favor of the “Rey of futbol mexicano”.

Algunos fanáticos del America Always continue to live your passion and support it in semáforos, metrobus structures and metal venues, that is, I celebrate and rejoice at my idols who coronate in Nuevo León.

The celebrations of the Afición ’emmplumada’ were underway in Armonia as the local authorities ensure that the fans celebrate the celebration of the sexto title in the era Andre Jardine.

While the sailors dance in the state capital, the blue-blue team celebrates at their concentration hotel in San Pedro, Nuevo León.

America Cross the moon into the state capital on the middle day and collect filas for the beginning, just before the vacation, and report to work with the Mente Puesta en the Tetracampeonato after the fact.

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