
Another character dies, this one is a beloved cowboy

Another character dies, this one is a beloved cowboy

SPOILER ALERT!: “If I’m in the position of a therapist, this family is screwed.”

This is Beth Dutton (Kelly Reilly), who spent most of the Yellowstone run trying to distinguish herself as the toughest person at Dutton Ranch. In today’s “Counting Coup” episode, she spends the entire time in full caring mode. And there is a lot here that can never heal.

No, the family worm named Jamie Dutton was not brought to the train station. He’s still breathing air as there are two episodes left. You’ll recall that in the last episode, his seductive girlfriend Sarah (Dawn Olivieri), the Market Equities lawyer, was ventilated in her car by assassins to cover up the botched contract killing of John Dutton (Kevin Costner). We don’t even spend much time with Jamie, other than a visit from two police officers who want to know what Sarah left behind in his house, believing she was the victim of a targeted murder. When Jamie (Wes Bentley) realizes a setting and tells the detectives they need a search warrant and knowing he’s the Montana Attorney General, they tell him they’ll be back with a search warrant and all the flashing lights and inquiring media, that follow it. As soon as they leave, Jamie runs upstairs and throws every document he can find into a paper shredder.

No, this episode is mostly about how John Dutton’s death affects the cowboys on the ranch. We begin with a conversation between Colby (Denim Richards) and Teeter (Jen Landon), one in Texas and the other in Montana. He lets on that he loves her, even though we knew that when he protected her from some stubborn Dutton enemies in season four.

The staff fumes about what could happen to the ranch, and there’s a touching moment when Rip tells his buddy Travis (series writer and co-creator Taylor Sheridan), his horse trainer and realtor, that John Dutton is dead. Rip doesn’t have the heart to tell Jimmy Hurdstrom (Jefferson White) the news, so Travis takes responsibility. He’s put Jimmy in charge of the business for careless horse training, and when he’s pulled aside, Jimmy thinks he’s done for. Instead, he gets a week’s vacation to process the trauma. Jimmy says he’ll take a weekend, but John Dutton was the one who believed in him and so he’s going to honor his memory by becoming the best cowboy he can become.

The really bad news comes when Colby tries to save Carter (Finn Little) – the stray teenager Beth brought home a few seasons ago. who disobeyed orders to stay away from the stable of a particularly unruly horse who knocked over his drinking water. Carter is cornered and Colby is kicked twice by the angry black horse and dies instantly. Carter runs for a shotgun and kills the horse, but too late. Boy, are things getting worse at Dutton Ranch or what? Rip (Cole Hauser) blames himself for not being there. Things couldn’t get much worse, could they?

Kayce, who discovered in the last episode that John Dutton was murdered at the governor’s mansion in a clumsily staged attack designed to look like a suicide, uses his contacts to find a detailed report on Grant, the special forces man Met with Sarah and authorized John Dutton’s murder.

We meet Grant again, he’s wearing shorts and playing good dad with his daughter on the sidelines of the soccer field. As they leave, Kayce slips into the back seat with the young girl and points the sharp end of a submachine gun at her as he orders his father’s murderer to drive. It’s a little disappointing that Kayce doesn’t interrogate the frightened driver to reveal how the accident happened and whether Jamie was involved. Instead, Kayce lets Grant know that he knows where every member of his family lives and that he could bring death to his doorstep and retaliate. He then hits Grant in the head, giving the episode its title: “Counting Coup,” a Native American term for taking a piece of a person’s soul. Maybe Kayce felt he had gone far enough to point the gun at a child and he’ll call Grant when he’s ready and willing. Beth tells Kayce again that she has to be the one to take Jamie to the train station.

After all the chaos Jamie has caused, it’s only a matter of time before he gets it. The horse that killed Colby was not buried, but is instead used as a snack for the nearby wolves. It’s certain that however James is received in the next two final episodes, his remains are unlikely to be buried with the rest of the Dutton clan at the ranch.

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