
Atalanta-Milan: the quiz before the game | Atalanta

Atalanta-Milan: the quiz before the game | Atalanta

Almost a few days ago “on the road” and at the end of my speech at home for another big game, as the second time in the calendar of the last three days after that first day in December … “diavolo” busserà all porte dei bergamaschi nell’anticipo di venerdì 2. Prepare everything you need with our Rossoneri, with our special solo in advance!

Atalanta 2-1 Milan, Matchday 31 Serie A 2015/16. In che minuteo segna Pinilla?

April is this week’s number with an authentic “blast from the past”: And I wish you a magician to win a “Chilena”, ossia in piena rovesciata?

31st matchday of Serie A 2015/16, Stadio “Atleti Azzurri” in Bergamo: I will kill Reja, on the other side of the opponent’s points, receive Mijahilovic’s Milan, reduce the pareggio in the house with Lazio.

When I started with Atalanta, it took me another 5 minutes to get my bearings after the rigorous form test without Stendar’s hand being thrown into a corner. The preliminary performance in Milan was the opera by Luiz Adriano, who parted ways when he left the stage to exercise.

After the doccia gelata, the reaction of the uomini squadra di Reja è immediately, with the Padroni di casa, cingono d’assedio i rossoneri, andando a passo dal pari al 7′ with the colpo di testa in the area di Gomez su cross di Pinilla, deviation in Angolo through an intervention of the province of Abate. At the end of the first round, the plan still had to be fleshed out: During the first part of the Rossonera, Papu was sent to Angola. Sugli sviluppi del Corner, temporarily released by Bacca, Masiello allunga di testa for Pinilla che firma il pareggio with a technique of assoluta maestria, with the cileno che infila il pallone sotto the incrocio dei pali alla destra di Donnarumma with the sua “grip” acrobatics .

Exploring Atalanta at 62, I stormed into a beautiful coral region: Lancio, Kurtic near Roon and the search for oil to Gomez, with the Argentino that I had to control and put to the test with a billiard collective one Fil di Palo. When he moved to the Milan recession, he went back with Mihaijlovic’s squad to fend off the result of the calculation on the pitch: the 75-foot athlete was neutralized by a penalty from Balotelli in the corner, and subsequently was in the second round of session He saved on the line Cigarini su un tiro rasoterra di Menez deviato verso la porta.

The final occasion of the game was erased when he opened the door behind the back panel to steal the double mark of death and D’Alessandro repeatedly engaged Donnarumma and annulled him for the reparation of the damages.

Tornando però al gol di Pinilla, che minute segna il cronometro? 44′

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