
“Bluey” film is in the works

“Bluey” film is in the works

Let’s go to the movies… with the Heeler family!

The first animated feature film for Bluey will be released in 2027, BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company announced. According to a press release, the film will “continue the adventures of Bluey, a lovable, inexhaustible Blue Heeler dog who lives with her mother, father and little sister Bingo.”

Fans of the series were treated to an emotional roller coaster this year, from the 28-minute outsized gut punch of a season finale titled “The Sign” to the unexpected bonus episode aptly titled “Surprise,” which features a time jump with an adult Bluish.

There were rumors that the popular series was finally coming to an end, but the creators of the show did not let the viewers down. In the summer of 2024 they introduced “Bluey Minisodes”. The collection included 20 short films based on the playful interactions and games of Bluey and Bingo.

What will the “Bluey” film have in store for viewers?

“I really enjoyed working on The Sign with a longer format in Series 3, so working even further with a feature film feels like a natural extension of that,” series creator Joe Brumm said on the Series website.I always thought that “Bluey” deserved a movie. I want this to be an experiential event that the whole family can enjoy together.”

Brumm also shared some “trifficult” (a “blue” word meaning tricky and difficult) with fans: Although he wrote the script for the film, he will be stepping away from producing any further TV episodes.

“Bluey has completely changed my life,” he wrote in an open letter on the Bluey website. “It was an immensely satisfying thing to be a part of, more than I can really put into words. Walking away from that while it’s so high will seem crazy to some, but right now I’m having a hard time reaching it.” Really get back into the world of 4-6 year olds and write authentically.

“Bluey” has already captured the magic and chaos of going to the movies with young children.

In a season two episode titled “Movies,” Bandit goes to a movie with Bluey and Bingo… with mixed results.

Bandit is shocked at the cost of tickets and popcorn, especially when he’s paying for a four-year-old who “won’t really watch.” Bluey is afraid of the “scary parts” and has existential questions about feeling “other.” Bingo spills popcorn, complains about the movie’s loudness, and runs away.

While we don’t know the theme of the new film, there’s a good chance it contains the same message as the “Movies” episode: “Just be yourself.”

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