
Bob Dylan reacts to Timothée Chalamet biopic

Bob Dylan reacts to Timothée Chalamet biopic

Bob’s Dylan.
Photo Illustration: Vulture; Photos: Brad Elterman, Gotham/GC Images/Getty Images

Well, in this case he is not an unbeliever. Bob Dylan has heaped praise on his upcoming biopic. A completely unknown, dashing the hopes of the 0.1 percent of Spotify superfans who hoped their master would never recognize the project. Since it has become his new hobby, Dylan casually tweeted his approval on December 4th: “There’s a movie about me coming soon A complete unknown (What a title!). Timothee Chalamet stars,” he wrote. “Timmy is a brilliant actor so I’m sure he’ll be as believable as I am. Or a younger me. Or some other me.” While Dylan’s phrasing suggests he hasn’t seen the film, he confirmed, in his own Goodreads way, that he has read the source material on which it is based. “The film is by Elijah Wald Dylan goes electric – a book that was published in 2015. “It’s a fantastic retelling of the events of the early 1960s that led to the Newport fiasco,” he added. “After you see the movie, read the book.” Does he have anything to say about Club Chalamet?

Wald was “very pleasantly surprised” by the tweet. Speaking to Vulture, the biographer said that in the last nine years there had never been any indication that Dylan knew about the book. “I interpreted the tweet as if he had read it and liked it,” Wald explained. “To be honest, I always assumed he was reading my Robert Johnson book because that’s what he tends to read. I’m told he doesn’t read Dylan books. I didn’t expect that. It’s the highest compliment you could ask for.” Since Dylan’s team had selected the book for a possible film, Wald believed that enthusiasm was limited to such an inner circle. “So I knew his people liked the book and were involved,” he said. “But that he read the book personally? Are you kidding? I had no idea.” As for the reasons behind Dylan’s thriving “Yes, it’s really him” Twitter account, Wald offered his own inside theory. “Everyone was surprised when Chronicles came out and everyone was surprised at how easy it was Chronicles Was. Dylan is surprising,” he noted. “His old line about crowd containment? Yes, that’s him.

This article has been updated with additional quotes.

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