
Claudia Sheinbaum desea feliz Navidad 2024 – Grupo Milenio

Claudia Sheinbaum desea feliz Navidad 2024 – Grupo Milenio

The President Claudia Sheinbaum I wish you were happy and happybuena a las y los Mexicanos en territorio nacional y en el extranjero; “Les agradecemos todo lo que hacen por sus familias y por México”.

A one minute 38 second video accompanied by your Esposo, Jesus Maria Tarribafrom the Palacio Nacional, the federal authority explained: “The material is not important, the most important thing is the love of our Semejantes, the family.”

In the pictures, Claudia Sheinbaum, the man in her post, appreciated the visitors to the Palacio Nacional, the revelers, and her Observe that the Navidad Arbol is installed in the Recinto.

The title of Ejecutivo Federal was also sent with a special congratulation to the Mexicans who were in the United States, rewarding the family of Mexico and the country.

“Especially on behalf of all Mexicans and Mexicans who are in our territory in the 32 States of the Republic, but also all Mexicans and Mexicans who represent our territory at this moment, especially for all Mexicans j Mexicans who are in the United States are, have fulfilled all my wishes, the Agradecemos have done everything they have received from their families and from México, a lot of love, they have Feliz Nochebuena and a Feliz Navidad,” he said.

Sheinbaum’s final discourse, here I also sent them to the Mexicans with my best wishes: “Feliz Navidad a todos y todas”, in short.

This is Claudia Sheinbaum’s first Navidad as President of the Republic. In 2023, how preliminary candidates, Write a message:

“The message that she will live at the December holidays is unique.” The conviviality with friends and family, the guests we remember our children and the new ones we created a few years ago full of magic and hope. “Les deseo lo mejor a todas ya todos”.

In 2022 we will occupy the cargo Jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de MéxicoA year ago I wanted to build a country with justice, brotherhood and solidarity.

When the Verbena Navideña was installed in the Zocalo this year, the capital’s leaders said that in 2023 it would begin a year of construction for the country in fraternal and solidarity collaboration Less discrimination and classification.

“We wish that exactly one year ago we began the construction of Mexico with justice, fraternity and solidarity; “A México with little discrimination after being plagued by class onions, racism and charlatanism that consider a México to be right-wing extremist,” expressed his social rights in a video.


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