
Columbus Starbucks baristas participate in the final day of the nationwide strike

Columbus Starbucks baristas participate in the final day of the nationwide strike

Tuesday is the final day of a strike by Starbucks workers that has spread to more than 300 stores across the U.S., including in Columbus.

The strike began Friday after Starbucks Workers United said the company had backed out of agreements with workers about the future of organizing. More than 5,000 workers nationwide are expected to walk off their jobs on December 24, the last day of the strike.

“We were ready to bring the basics home this year, but Starbucks wasn’t ready,” Workers United resident Lynne Fox said in a media release. “After everything Starbucks has said about valuing partners across the system, we refuse to accept no immediate investment in barista wages and no resolution to the hundreds of open unfair labor practices. Union Baristas know their worth and will not accept a proposal that does not treat them as true partners.”

The union filed an unfair labor practice lawsuit against the company on Friday, claiming Starbucks refused to negotiate on economic issues.

Baristas in Columbus joined the strike on Saturday, which is now expected to be the largest strike ever for the company, surpassing the strike in 2023.

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