
Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe: The spectator and the hundreds of thousands from the Basilica who could not see the image of the Sagrada

Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe: The spectator and the hundreds of thousands from the Basilica who could not see the image of the Sagrada

Este jueves December 12th I celebrate like I did a year ago Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. This endorsement from Mariana will be taken into account More precision for the Mexican CatholicsDebido a que la historia que Marco Your sanctuary in Ciudad de México, In 1921 it was a test of the mayors for a while and a big fact that all sorts of problems arose.

El Sanctuary of the Virgen de Guadalupeubicado al pie del Cerro del Tepeyac In the alcaldía Gustavo A. Madero of the Ciudad de México, it is el segundo recinto Most visited in the world, superado alone by the Basilica of San Pedro in Vatican City. Recife, between 17 and 20 million people annually. Every year, during the month of December, many tourists from different parts of the country and the world come to offer grace to the Inmaculada.

Fieles took part in a mission to the Santuario de la Virgen de GuadalupeLA NACION

The history of Sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe It is one of the largest living creatures and revelations of the Iglesia Católica November 14, 1921 sufrió un attentado que marcó su historia y la de allos sus devotos. Esa mañana, a man There was a bomb in a Flores neighborhood y la colocó a los pies de la imagen de la Virgen This moment is in the Antigua Basilica.

The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Crucified Christ in the Atentado (Archivo Histórico Elizabeth Velázquez)

Cuando The bomb is installedArrasó with casi all to do a su alrededor, pero The Virgen does not sufrió ni un rasguño. A Christ crucified by hierarchy and bronze, just completing the image of the Virgin, he said la protectionSaving the explosion. It was a success that was interpreted as Milagro en el que The metallic figure of Jesus’ protégé a la de su madrepor lo que se lo llamo El Santo Cristo del Atentado. The cross, a distinction of the Virgin, was completely deformed.

Through the stable, the flock was outraged and prosecuted in order to be justified on their own initiative. The reports of the era were described in as much detail as possible A man with “rostro alterado” who had the intention of giving up the weather.

Over time, a historical chronicle’s account of the occurrence of this day has been preserved. According to further reports, a group of women is in exactly the same demand and can tell the authorities that they have descended from the steps of the church. An article from Revista Mexico Desconocido public, in its digital version, the “A group of workers located in the Antigua Basilica was a man with a quarter of FloresCamino hacia the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe and colocó el ramo al pie del altar. Luego, Salió a toda prisa.”

The investigations during the year were not carried out and did not progress There are speculations today as president of the moment, Álvaro Obregónfrom their constant critics of the Catholic Church. Según a report published by Radio INAH, The investigation lasted several weeks During the protests, demonstrations and pedidos of justice by part of the Catholic Association. Finally, some time later, It is a Ferroviario Trabajador conocido como Luciano Perez.

Before December 12, millions They celebrate the Virgin of Guadalupetakes into account the patronage of América Latina. Its story originally dates back to colonial times in Mexico, a few years after the Spanish conquest, when a young Indian tribe was born Juan Diego confirmed that he received a divine message at Cerro del Tepeyac.

Según the agency Cristiana ACI, The Virgin Mary was waiting for a temple to be built in her honor. The Obispo of that era, Juan de Zumárraga, asked Juan Diego to tell him about the Virgin An examination is required. I said that Juan Diego reported to Tepeyac and received the Lord he asked for: a Ramo de Rosas de Castilla In the Invierno plenary session. Al entregarlas al obispo, The image of the Virgin was brought into the plasma on her wayuna prenda que se conserva hasta hoy.

The Lamaativo design of the technique of the new Temple of the Virgen de Guadalupe in the Mexican capital MexicoLA NACION

El sitio de la aparicion I am convinced then in the scenario Today is the Basilica of Guadalupethese are thousands of hikers for thousands of years. There were others in front of the actual building that would also have to be accompanied by a milagro resident.

Según el historian Gustavo Watson Marron In your book The temple was in Nueva EspañaThe Antigua Basilica was built in 1695 and was the only temple in Mexico topped with four octagonal towers, a replica of the Spanish basilicas. With the passage of time, Their deterioration provoked the victim to come back one hundred percent in different time periods, Pero Nunca el que se encontraba la Virgen.

A hundred years ago the idea of ​​destroying the historic temple arose. Without embargo, a decision by the Catholic Church to save the building, dando lugar a la In creating a new sanctuary it was not necessary to remove the original.

The architect Pedro Ramirez Vazquez We present a project that combines innovation and practice. The construction was realized between 1974 and 1976 and was based on the construction A radial design that allows a direct view of the image of the Virgin as soon as it is accessed. The circular structure consists of a central structure and a cubature system. Minimize the hundreds We distribute the peso efficiently across the unstable earth.

Today the Basilica de Guadalupe is in Ciudad de México (Photo: Archive)Pixabay

La forma del templo He interpreted various manners, and he fulfilled a wish from a depiction of the Virgin’s worship. More than all these associations, el design Respond as needed in practice: The periféricas allow the misas not to be disturbedmientras que a banda mecánica bajo el nivel main facilita que los peregrinos admire the image without changing the religious ceremonies.

The birth of Juan Diego, with the image of the Virgin, saw an image of veneration and a symbol of it une la fe católica with the indigenous peoples of Mexico.

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