
Diego Martínez: “Salimos did many other things before a rival was very complicated” | UD Las Palmas

Diego Martínez: “Salimos did many other things before a rival was very complicated” | UD Las Palmas

The traveler in Amarillo compares the route of the Prensa Telemática, from the hotel to concentrating on the expedition in Amarilla. Diego Martínez stated that “we have a very different part of what we encounter on Montjuic.” Jugaremos in a small field, from here Sintética and in a place where the ideas were very clear. “There are a number of arguments that are very clearly at play due to the demands in the middle”

These are the following further explanations:

“I drew the attention of CE Europe to its balloon parado en ataque, which is very creative and very calibrated. “Tendenremos que adaptarnos las conditions del campo tan pequeño lo previously isable”

“Cuento con todos para todas las posiciones. I was very happy with Mika Mármol’s voice the other day. Estuvo injured, recovering from a fracture in the cake. We have set out and it is true that the equipment has evolved to a defensive level.

“El trabajo con los canteranos sigue siendo el mismo desde el primer day. More than anyone else participates in competitions with the members of the club that are important. “The projects of the Jugadores are even more than the work of many or all.”

“This is what we have to do, players who compromised because they jumped at the opportunity. Some of it contradicts what happened. The main position is in the middle, but can also be on the side, and it is variable in the content of both players and players”.

“It is a place where the Afición disfrute de todo esto. That it was as if I had sent my orgullosos. We need many moments to balance the negative moments. Because the equipment dropped a lot because it was self-assessing and there was a high level of confidence at one of my lowest levels.”

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