
“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, according to his family

“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, according to his family

According to his sons, “Duck Dynasty” alum Phil Robertson has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

The family patriarch, 78, was also diagnosed with a blood disorder, his sons revealed in the “Unashamed with the Robertson Family” podcast episode released Friday.

“I think I spoke on the 1000th podcast, we tried to figure out the diagnosis but according to the doctors he has some kind of blood disease that’s causing all sorts of problems,” Jase Robertson said.

Al Robertson added that Phil had suffered from the blood disorder for years, but it had recently gotten worse.

“We have a team of doctors, and then we have another group of doctors looking at all the tests, and they all agree that there is no cure for what he has,” Jase said.

Jase added that Phil’s Alzheimer’s disease is still in its early stages and that he still wants to contribute to the family podcast.

“I thought, ‘Well, Phil, you can barely walk around without screaming in pain, and your memory ain’t what it used to be.’ He says, ‘Tell me about it.’ So he’s literally unable – I think he would agree – to just sit down and have a conversation,” Jase said.

The hunter family starred in “Duck Dynasty” from 2012 to 2017 and launched the Christian podcast “Unashamed” in 2018.

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