
“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease

The son of “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson says the family patriarch is dealing with some serious health issues.

On the December 6 episode of the Unashamed with the Robertson Family podcast, Phil Robertson’s son Jase, 55, revealed that his father, 78, is in the “early stages” of Alzheimer’s disease.

“Phil isn’t feeling well,” he said. “I think I spoke on the 1000th podcast.” We tried to find out the diagnosis, but according to the doctors, they are sure that he suffers from a blood disease that causes all sorts of problems.

Jase noted that the blood disorder had “accelerated” and was causing “problems” with his father’s “entire body.”

“He has early-stage Alzheimer’s, so all in all he’s just not doing well,” Jase said. “He’s really struggling.” has reached out to the Robertson family for comment.

It was really difficult for Robertson to see his health deteriorate. Jase explained that the patriarch wants to resume his work on his family’s podcast but is unable to accept the reality of the situation.

Phil Robertson speaks at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.
Phil Robertson speaks at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images

“I said, ‘Well, Phil, you can barely walk around without screaming in pain,’ and I thought, ‘Your memory ain’t what it used to be,'” Jase recalled telling his father . “He was like, ‘Tell me about it.’ So he’s literally incapable, I think he would agree, of just sitting down and having a conversation.

Due to Robertson’s deteriorating health, Jase said he and his family are “doing a lot of things to figure out how to make him more comfortable and maybe help his memory.”

“We have a team of doctors and they all agree that there is no cure for his disease,” he said. “So what do you do? We’re trying to make him a little more comfortable.”

According to the National Institute on Aging, “memory problems are typically one of the first signs” of Alzheimer’s disease and can lead to more severe symptoms, confusion and behavioral changes.

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