
Fallece la cantante mexicana Dulce 69 years ago

Fallece la cantante mexicana Dulce 69 years ago

CNN Spanish

The Mexican song Dulce fell 69 years ago, a second time with Hermana Isabel Noeggerath in a publication on Facebook.

Since the interpreter had the exact cause, the publication included a photo accompanied by the following text: “Hermana, you are with our mother in the song chain, you wanted to extract something.” Descansa en paz. I love you”.

In the same way, the official of the Mexican Association of Interpreters has issued a notice with a publication lamenting the error of the artist, who was included in the Association’s Consejo Directivo in 2011 and 2015. The National Association of Mexico Actors in Mexico I send my condolences to Dulce’s confidants and friends and wish him respect.

Most recently, Dulce officials shared a series of communications: on December 2, they were informed that the interlocutor needed to be treated in the hospital to achieve “a state of health”; On December 7, he sent a new message that the speaker had been undergoing pleuropulmonary disinfection surgery for some time and that she had agreed that her recovery would take a long time.

Sincerely, the real name is Bertha Elisa Noeggerath Cárdenas, recorded with songs like “Tu muñeca”, “Déjame volver contigo” and “Lobo”.

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