
February 1st | The Power to Action: Earth Justice in San Diego (in person and online)

February 1st | The Power to Action: Earth Justice in San Diego (in person and online)

In-person and online panel discussion at First UMC of San Diego

Saturday, February 1st, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m


How can you get involved in Earth justice issues here in San Diego? Why should people of faith care? And how are young people committed to creating a better future for all of us?

How can you get involved in Earth justice issues here in San Diego? Why should people of faith care? And how are young people committed to creating a better future for us all?

This panel presentation will feature leaders from various local organizations. Hear their personal stories, learn what inspires these eco-activists, and discover concrete steps you can take to make a difference.

They will discuss four key issues facing San Diego and beyond:

• Divestment in fossil fuels

• Toxic pesticides

• Traffic equity

• Ban on oil exploration in California

This event is hosted and sponsored by the San Diego School of Christian Studieswhose goal is to create meaningful experiences that challenge the community to deepen their faith while expanding their knowledge. It is open to people of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs.

Learn more about SDSCS and its educational series at

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