
I do not believe that China entered the Panama Canal as an underling of Trump

I do not believe that China entered the Panama Canal as an underling of Trump

CNN Spanish

The President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino, noted that China was not harmed in the Panama Canal operations, as the President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, confirmed in a public announcement on his social media that Chinos are at the canal employed.

“No hay chinos in the canal. Tan sencillo como eso. No chinos, no other potency is in the canal. If you have chinos because they have been crisscrossing the center of visitors at the border with Algun, because tourists who may be in Panama, the transit through the remote areas that they had to cross due to confinement, but I repeat “It is absolutely impossible to participate. China was not ready to enter the Panama Canal,” said the Panamanian president.

During his press briefing, he said that Trump’s statements could be negotiated in geopolitical terms because he was sincere from the panamá observation deck and agreed that more companies would participate in more project licenses in Panama.

When he questioned Trump’s decision to choose Kevin Marino Cabrera to fill the EE.UU ambassador’s charge. In Panama, your short comment.

“Vi lo del muchacho embajador, menor que mi hijo, me sorprendió… no tengo más nada que decir, cuando llegue the momento to benevaluar su beneplácito podré enterarme a poco more of his trayectoria y eso toma one meses en función que allá los los embajadores son ratificados por el Senado,” he said.

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