
It was as if the singing didn’t resist

It was as if the singing didn’t resist

Dulce murió dejando un importante
Dulce murió dejando an important Legado musical (Photo: Instagram @dulcelacantante)

La reconocida cantante mexicana Dulce My life ended on December 25th as I went through a careful recovery process after a week Pleuropulmonary decortication.

This medical procedure was carried out with a high level of completeness, since medication necessary for the treatment of the graves was required Neumonia en uno de sus pulmones.

The laborious procedure entails that your goal is to retract a fibrous head that affects the affected lung and prevents it from functioning properly.

The notice of your case ended with the final announcement Trayectoria artistica This is an important thing in Mexican music. Dulce, combined with his voice and his interpretation of romantic songs, became a place to land in the music industry, building a base for the future over the last few years.

    Dulce la cantante padeció
Dulce la cantante padeció una neumonía (Photo: Infobae/Jovani Pérez)

Pleuropulmonary decotherapy is a surgical procedure that requires removal Restore lung capacity and eliminate abnormal fibrotic cap (Pleura engrosada) acumulada alrededor de los pulmones. This contagion can be caused by chronic infections, complicated pleural vein ramens, pleural emblems, or processes that cause scarring in the pleura and can prevent the lungs from expanding and functioning properly. This procedure is essential in the event that medication is taken because the problem cannot be solved and the condition can no longer be resolved due to the deterioration of the patient’s lung function or life health.

The disease was managed by general anesthesia, generally with a Toracotomyan incision in the thorax, In some cases it is possible to use techniques that are less invasive, such as video toracoscopy. Your goal is to eliminate this scarring so that the alveoli can be expanded and corrected.

This is an effective intervention that is not yet complete Riesgos. Possible complications include infection after surgery, swelling, broncopleural fistulas, prolonged neomotorism, and damage to blood vessels, nerves, or diaphragm. In addition, the effects of anesthesia may pose an additional risk, particularly in patients with psychiatric illnesses under the age of ten or very limited lung function.

Los riesgos varian según la Gravedad de la Enfermedadthe health of the patient and the experience of the surgical equipment. Among many experts, the decoration still needs to carry out a detailed analysis of the beneficiaries before departure. The recovery process may take several weeks or even several months, depending on the patient’s general condition and the pre-existing cause of death. To ensure safety, it is important that the airways function safely and reliably.

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