
“Le damos gracias a Dios que se vaya Troglio”

“Le damos gracias a Dios que se vaya Troglio”


Motagua I chose the 19th Copa of Honduran football tras vencer al Olimpia in the final of the Apertura 2024 And at the end of last year I was very happy that it was the only club in Honduras League Campeones de la ConcacafThe junta directive gives no reason to plan for 2025.

Luego de la celebración at the stadium, the President of Finance of Motagua, Javier Atala Yes President Vitalicio, Pedro AtalaI was at TVC and found out that I was there for the club.

¡Festejo del campeón! Besos al goleador, Diego Vázquez celebró en the camerino and locura the plantilla de Motagua with the title

“After a 180-minute revenge, the two teams met in the final two weeks ago, in the middle, after a mistake in defense and with so much victory in the Copa, when the final was as good as football. “Hey, we’re celebrating and having a blue Christmas,” says Javier.

“Toda the instruction to motivate the hotel and talk to the players, a favorite of a Charla and the last fruit of the fruit, agarraron el mensaje, vamos de abajo hacia arriba y lo logramos.” “It was a great work in the Concacaf from Diego and the players who celebrated the exit when they worked well,” explained the finance president.

Pedro Atala tomó la palabra. “With a tremendous feeling and a pure oxygen for the entire institution, the Afición and the Junta Directive, we are actually engaged in a step to leave this Presión, the judges and the technical staff are presided over and the Afición is self-evident as large equipment “exigencias y era duro”.

“Olimpia is a equipment that I obtained from a good equipment with a facility and an incredible Cuerpo Tecnico technique. The lovely people of Dios who left Troglio (Risas) are a great entrepreneur, a good motivator and sure that this institution is our rival acérrimo toda la vida, pero hoy “We will celebrate you,” continues Pedro.

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