
Life Existed on Mars and Giants Built Pyramids – EADaily, December 25, 2024 – Society, USA

Life Existed on Mars and Giants Built Pyramids – EADaily, December 25, 2024 – Society, USA

There was life on Mars and the pyramids were built by giants. This emerges from the conclusions of the CIA project “Stargate” and the report “Exploration of Mars on May 22, 1984”. However, this sensational data was obtained in an extremely dubious way, writes the British Daily Mail.

At the time, the agency recruited people who claimed to have psychic abilities. Then they incorporated binaural rhythms (listening to sounds of different frequencies at the same time) and semi-synchronized audio to induce altered states of consciousness, “separating the mind from the body and sending it on a journey through the astral plane.”

So a subject came to Mars about a million years before our era and found that there were pyramids on Mars that were similar to the Egyptian ones, but then the giants had to look for “a new place to live because their environment was corrupted.” .

Through this project, the CIA wanted to “create spies capable of reading minds and entering the minds of enemies in order to combat the Soviet Union.”

Note that a similar plot is implemented in the popular American television series “Very Strange Things”, which describes the CIA laboratory where children were taught such skills in the fight against the USSR.

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