
Mysterious lights spark drone concerns in Ohio skies

Mysterious lights spark drone concerns in Ohio skies

Mysterious lights believed to be drones have been spotted across central Ohio, including Hilliard and Delaware County. They have even affected operations at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton. Despite numerous sightings, there are still no answers.

A 911 caller reported seeing several bullets in the sky near the intersection of Sawmill Parkway and Seldom Seen Road in Powell. Another Delaware County resident described seeing what looked like a UFO over the roundabout at the Sawmill on Bunty Station Road and noticing it turn off its lights and disappear.

Residents in Hilliard also reported seeing drones and hearing loud bangs. Despite these reports, no clear explanation has been made. The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office referred callers to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, which in turn referred inquiries to the Ohio Department of Homeland Security. However, Homeland Security did not respond and an Ohio Department of Public Safety spokesman said OHS was “not involved.”

The situation escalated when drones led to a temporary closure of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base last Friday. Airspace over the base was closed as officials investigated the unidentified air systems. Air Force officials confirmed that small unmanned aerial systems were spotted between Dec. 13 and 14, but assured that none of the incursions had any impact on base residents, facilities or assets. “We are taking all appropriate measures to protect Wright-Patterson and its residents,” they said.

Despite the concerns, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost expressed little concern. Asked whether Ohioans should be concerned about the airspace closure, Yost said, “I have no idea.” The governor’s office has not yet commented on the situation.

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