
Nuno Tavares praises Baroni and sings ‘want the trophies with Lazio’

Nuno Tavares praises Baroni and sings ‘want the trophies with Lazio’

The credit that they had one after the other goes to the Lord and he “led the troops and was very grateful to me. Gesture the group in an incredible manner, point across the board,” said Nuno Tavares, Terzino Portuguese from Lazio, arriving at the trading session .

“Sappiamo di affrontare una grande Squadra che è in lotta for lo scudetto, sono i campioni d’Italia in carica. Noi però I thought alone about our Stessi and went to a beautiful place. Spero che sia una note da ricordare and di conquistare una vittoria davanti ai nostri tifosi”. This is the message from Nuno Tavares, from Lazio, in view of the Sfida scudetto against the Inter.

The Portuguese was turned out of his own accord because he wanted to.I found trophies and great results with Lazio because they are so confident that they also have to have a personal life. I am a common group and have formed a good squad to achieve our goals. “Sappiamo di giocare per un grande club con tifosi ungredibili che vogliamo rendere felici,” Prosegue.

The ultimate part of Lazio
The ultimate part of LazioFlash score

As the entire group traveled throughout Lazio, the merits they received were highly valued The Lord was in charge of the squadron, and that was even worse. Gesture with the group in incredible wayspunta su tutta la rosa. “C’è una bella aria all’interno dello spogliatoio, tutti sanno che troveranno spazio dando il massimo in all’enamento e in partita,” concludes Tavares.

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