
¡Polémica! The action that Cruz Azul rejected and announced the punishment

¡Polémica! The action that Cruz Azul rejected and announced the punishment

La Polémica parece ser la palabra que define al Classic Art Nouveau from several editions. In essence, it is definitely the case that America is turning to Cruz Azul right now, in moments and without regard to the fact that the machine has determined the party in its favor.

Yes, that’s the teenager Amaury Morales Rosas I pursued the gold of my life for what it is Cruz Azul started the Apertura 2024 finalsimmediately afterwards, like a soon-to-be cold water, America was punished with a penalty that ended in gold Rodrigo Aguirre.

However, there is a risk of maximum damage occurring after I take the following steps over the following two weeks Gol del Ganego futbolistas de Anselmi Reclamaban una action previa.

What’s wrong with the concrete blocks?

During the submission, comments were made about the users that caught their eye Propias conclusionsen la que señalaban que había una falta en la jugada anterior, la que Derivative en la caída de Eric Sanchez And in retrospect, Aguirre’s comment.

However, at the end of the meeting, I have to see an image that the original broadcast did not capture, and it was interrupted during the time that the media was in the Americas, and the players were sent to prison Campo rivalThis means that you can play with the rules of the game.

In this way, with two adelantados football players before the first ball, the game had to be already invalid. Incluso, el exárbitro, Felipe Ramos Rizocompare the image with the text “Penalty before an arbitration error”. El silbante, Adonai Escobedo Pareció not percatarse de este detailed.

This error was corrected by the machine and is now mine Águilas del America I will join two parties for a third time in a row Puebla and others in MonterreyHacerse con su tan ansiado tricampeonato.

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