
Push for waiver of Ketchum PO box fees continues | Ketchum

Push for waiver of Ketchum PO box fees continues | Ketchum

At the Ketchum Post Office, the surge in holiday deliveries that occurs this time of year is already leading to long lines and, despite hard-working employees, frustrated customers. The Fourth Street location, built about 25 years ago, regularly welcomes hundreds of customers each day, most of whom are there to receive mail from the 6,000 mailboxes in the building.

Because Ketchum residents do not receive home mail delivery, they must receive their mail at a PO Box at the Ketchum Post Office. To receive a box, customers must pay an annual fee. Postal customers interviewed by Express described their frustration that mailbox fees continue to rise despite little or no improvement in conditions at the constantly busy post office.

The fees have steadily increased. The cost of the smallest mailbox is five times what it was just over a decade ago: $15 in 2011 and $75 in 2024. The second and third smallest sizes are currently $97 and $151, respectively US dollars. In 2011, these fees were also between a fifth and a quarter of the current amount.

Discussions focus on “Group E exceptions”

The city applied for a fee waiver in 2022

“Not just a Ketchum thing”

Customers are resisting fee increases

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