
Quiénes son los hijos de la cantante Dulce

Quiénes son los hijos de la cantante Dulce

La cantante falleció is 25
La cantante falleció on December 25th (Photo: Instagram/@dulcelacantante)

El fallecimiento de la cantante Dulce It was confirmed on December 25th, the place of origin of Monterrey was recorded because he participated in the Festival de Mallorca with the singing Senor amorde Armando Manzanero I have interpreted the topics as Déjame volver contigo, Heridas, Aún lo amo, Hielo O Échame la culpa a mí.

In his personal life, Dulce Song called himself his first love for Gonzalo Vega, an actor he met as a teenager; For a decade, without any embargo, he formed a family with the musical producer Luis Mircoli, who was called Romina with his family.

Romina Mircoli is Dulce’s only daughterreports de N+ It is revealed that the chant in his hearts has fallen.

Romina Mircoli is the only one
Romina Mircoli is Dulce’s only daughter. Credit: IG/dulcelacantante

The relationship between Dulce and her daughter’s father began in 1986, when our two began a novelty that only later entered into marriage. For about a decade I have been comparing not only my personal life, but also an intense professional collaboration that Marc draws from the more crucial moments of his singing career.

Mircoli, specialist in the production of musicals, was responsible, together with Dulce, for work in several of his recent recordings, such as “Lobo” and “Amor caliente”, themes that have evolved in recent decades to pop and Latin balada music developed 80 and 90.

A company realized in July this year, Dulceone of the more emblematic voices of romantic balada in Spanish, with a profound reflection on life and the Muerte. The song, which initiated a complete recovery process from the removal of a malignant tumor, was linked to the grief, pain and emotions that accompanying her during her treatment brought. On December 25th, five months after the first conversation, the artist lost an inexorable fate in music 69 years ago.

La cantante Dulce habló sobre
Dulce singing died five months ago

De acuerdo con Infobae Mexicothe interpreter of outputs like Lobo, Tu muñeca j Déjame volver contigo There are many complications resulting from pleural lung defect circulation and the procedure takes several months after a larger size tumor is eradicated in the hospital. In the days leading up to her fall, her recovery progressed to necropsy in the hospital, and she ended up in her last year of life.

The song, which bears the name Bertha Elisa Noeggerath, was embraced by a number of desperate doctors in April this year. When Dulce recently experienced a pain crisis on the way to the hospital, doctors discovered a malignant tumor measuring 21 centimeters in size or 11 centimeters deep (8.3 by 4.3 centimeters). The case requires urgent intervention.

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