
Rand Paul ‘Festivus’ Complaints: US Millions for Ukrainian TikTokers

Rand Paul ‘Festivus’ Complaints: US Millions for Ukrainian TikTokers

Every December 23rd, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) releases a “Festivus Report” based on the Parody of the holiday featured on the 1990s television show “Seinfeld.” Every year on this made-up holiday, people held an “airing of their grievances,” and when it comes to wasteful government spending, Paul has a very long list of problems every year.

But this year, when they found over $1 trillion in wasteful, stupid spending, about $12 million on a pickleball complex, $15 million on new furniture for vacant federal offices, $873,000 on film production in Jordan and over $400,000 for research on solitary rats, something emerges. It is a significant expense related to Washington’s continued role in the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

The 2024 “Festivus Report” reveals that “although American taxpayers have provided nearly $174 billion in aid and military assistance to Kiev since the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine, someone at the State Department thought it was a brilliant idea to send another 4.” .8 million.” ‘Kiev, Ukraine public affairs – influencer team.'”

That’s right. Apparently the US government funded Ukrainian TikTokers and Instagram personalities. Worth $4.8 million.

From Paul’s report:

“Apparently we really need more Instagram stories and TikTok dances in a war zone. The dangers here are more than just vile content; This kind of spending opens the door to disinformation, propaganda and international PR disasters. And don’t even get me started on the possibility of escalating tensions with other nations.”

Senator Paul continues to mock the goal of the funding: “After all, nothing says ‘peacekeeping’ like a viral video.”

Further “Festivus” expression of the grievances: “But the absurdity doesn’t end there.” The State Department also gave $15,220 for an “Influencer Event” and another $22,231 for a “USAID Social Media Influencers Campaign ” out of.

Think of the billions the US has sent to fuel this war and the many deaths. So many unnecessary.

Now consider those in the State Department who believed it was so important to prolong the war that they focused on and funded some of the conflict’s most minor propaganda players.

“At a time when Americans are struggling to make ends meet, it’s mind-boggling to see our government wasting taxpayer dollars on what amounts to a glorified selfie-fest,” Paul surmises.

“We must remind the government that taxpayer dollars should be used to protect our nation’s interests, not to fund the next viral sensation,” the senator added. “Let’s leave the Instagram fame to someone else and get back to serious diplomacy.”

The State Department declined comment over the weekend because it had not yet seen Senator Paul’s report.

In September, federal prosecutors accused Russia funds right-wing influencers in the US to produce pro-Kremlin content. The validity of this claim is not important here. The fact that the United States, at least according to Paul’s report, appears to be doing essentially the same thing, only from a pro-Ukrainian and/or pro-American perspective, shows that engaging in this type of propaganda is now seen as necessary from everyone involved.

But the senator is right: How many Americans would be happy if their tax dollars went to Ukrainian TikTokers?

That’s a question you shouldn’t expect from the US government. But it’s a question one might reasonably hear from Senator Rand Paul to the State Department in the future.

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