
Rayados vs Pumas. GOLES| Mediotitempo

Rayados vs Pumas. GOLES| Mediotitempo

Rayados As the Pumas celebrated the final of the Apertura 2024, they dueled with the moments of their superiority, but the cost was reflected on the marker and the game was decided by a penalty against Sergio Canales in the final of the meeting against him triunfo Albiazul 1-0.

In the first period, the UNAM territory was higher when Monterrey took its position with a year before 61, but no money was retained, while the capitals had few options that made it clear that they did not have to be capitalized.

The first intention of the visit lasted about 29 minutes when César Huerta separated from the area, but the arquero Luis Cárdenas recommended himself well to save the Balon and rescue him with the Peligro.

Pumas dejó ir la más clara del partido

El Chino Huerta intends to be new 30 minutesOnce you arrive in the area with the controlled balloon, take a disparo requested by the Mochis Cárdenas, but return the Cayó a Jorge Ruvalcabaqueen All I was thinking about was feeding myselfbut mandó el esférico Por encima de la portería.

Gerardo Arteaga tuvo A clarification in minute 44As soon as we put a balcon de cabeza in the fancy area, all I wanted to do was pick up the ball and push the balón up until it touched Julio González’s bow.

In the second, Stefan Medina appeared from the boards and hit a good central buskando to Germán Berterame, who was in the air between the rival defenses and was held back by the cabeza, but the balón was sent into the arc by a rival.

El gol Parecía about 57 minutes, a big balloon at the top of the Pumas defense that there was Jesus Manuel Coronawho wanted to escape the speed and definitely in front of the Salida of Julio González, but at the end of September Anulado for fuera de game.

Martín Demichelis intended to improve on the original idea with Brandon Vázquez, Roberto de la Rosa and others Johan Rojasthat’s the last thing Terminó generando un punishable After 84 minutes that wasn’t the case Sergio Canales y aprovechó para anotar el gol del encuentro.

The Vuelta game Será el nóximo Domingo First day of December Ciudad Universitaria at 12:00 p.mthen it is definitely the case that I started with the semi-finals and the position of the preferred table Los Felinos al haber terminateado en cuarto lugar.

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