
Real Madrid: Uno a uno Real Madrid vs Atalanta: Ratings and comments

Real Madrid: Uno a uno Real Madrid vs Atalanta: Ratings and comments

El real Madrid afronta una auténtica final de Champions This is the point of European competition. When I thought it was the actual reality of camping that I needed Bergamo We make no commitment to avoid serious elimination. Well, in its history, Madrid has gathered in the middle of the groups phase, but I come across the Navy’s Filo and a champion who has come to a complicated strategy for them Ancelotti.

With Solo 6 pointsocupa el vigesimocuarto lugaron the borderline of abism, and there is still no room for error. Therefore, the Bérgamo duel was transformed into a final chapter, an important part to learn and which was not easy. I can’t imagine going there for the first time with the need to visit Madrid Atalanta under intense pressure. Por su parte, los Italianos tampoco habrían previsto recibir al Campeon de Europa In their stadium, where they played alone a few times, they mientras at 11 years old and awaited sentencing.


First part: Balón al área, voleó Lookman and balón simply for the Belga. Several different intentions from Lookman in the first media hour of the meeting. Le Engaño De Ketelaere in the penalty shootout, an irretrievable era.

Nota al descanso: 6

Lucas Vazquez

Lucas Vazquez

First part: Sufriendo with Lookman when he met Atalanta. Empiezan a llegar llegar and con peligro por the banda derecha y Lucas no llega. Siguió sufriendo with the amenaza continua delantero de la Atalanta.

Nota al descanso: 4



First part: Algún disregarded the campsite in the center of La Zaga Madrid, but because of the general Buena Actuación Cortando El Peligro. Be attentive and strict. When he arrived at the end of the first hour there was a late player penalty and he was out of position… As he left the Amarilla, the subways started and Atalanta were equal to the marker.

Nota al descanso: 4


First part: Flawless in the first few minutes, just a few minutes of various perfect moves to avoid the opponent. Correct your compañeros’ mistakes and pay attention. It is impregnable in the center of defense.

Nota al descanso: 7

Fran Garcia

Fran Garcia

First part: Once upon a time there was a lesion in Mendy on the cuádriceps of the derecha pier. Since there were no complications in the early days, the fur was directed in the opposite direction of Lookman. Free yourself from the school of your comrades to give profundity to the Banda Izquierda.

Nota al descanso: 5


First part: The charge was responsible for the charge that laid the foundation for the area, but De Roon wanted to go into the corner with the Cabeza. Defend from Lookman’s speed, recover from balls and complete the team.

Nota al descanso: 6


First part: Film in the center of the field, pick up the ball and continue the game in Madrid. I was given a good reason for the Whites’ participation in the Madrid attacking games. Good activity.

Nota al descanso: 6



First part: The Real Madrid “5” is one of the most complete football fans of all time. Another brilliant activity for English, with transit and a key switch for playing equipment. Impress your capacity to improve your concern on the way to the opposition and stop the Madrid attack.

Nota al descanso: 7



First part: When Brahim met him, he joined forces with Kylian, who was given a large commission, and Carnessechi was forced into manhood by him. There was a failure with a valuable report, the crack. Brahim read pidió todas, Mbappé too. Play Brahim for Kylian and the French who love him.

Nota al descanso: 7

Vini Jr

Vini Jr

First part: In Brazil there were no major protagonists in the first media hour, and in the last weeks they met that did not do her much good. But I am the Vini de Vuelta who made another recovery at Real Madrid “milagro”… That wasn’t that far, I forgot the balls and wasn’t defensive.

Nota al descanso: 4


First part: Brahim linked up with Kylian, who had a big name, and Carnessechi was pushed to the man by him. The first from Mbappé. Buen inicio de partido pidiendo la pelota, las quiere todas. Control the area of ​​the Lujo and the Stations of the Cross with the left hand of the Carnessecchi access to enter Madrid on the marker. When I moved on to Tenerla 9, I had to leave the room and set off again. Tuvo que salir del terreno de game en el 35′ de encuentro, lessionado (apparently on the Tobillo). More injuries for Madrid. Mbappé is still very young.

Nota al descanso: 7



First part: The Brazilian was out just 35 minutes after Mbappé’s defeat.

Nota al descanso: 6



It wasn’t easy for Ancelotti when Madrid faced an authentic Champions League final in European competition.

Nota al descanso: 5

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