
Santa Claus full of questions

Santa Claus full of questions


It seems that children have a lot of unanswered questions about Santa Claus.

Santa was inundated with questions when he visited the Ketchum Town Square last week for the City of Ketchum’s annual tree lighting party.

Santa showed up with a Ketchum fire engine, saving his reindeer’s energy for the big night. And he had barely begun his walk through the town square among a few hundred adults and children when the questions began.


One of Santa’s reindeer gorges on grain.

How do you get down the chimney after eating so many cookies? I try my best to stay in shape so I can treat myself to this one evening.

What is your favorite cookie? I like them all – Oatmeal Raising, Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodles, Peanut Butter…

How do you get into the chimney when there is a fire in it? I pause for a split second.

How do you get into houses without chimneys? Often someone leaves the door open.


Members of the Far+Wise after-school program at Hemingway STEAM School took turns wearing Santa hats and beards during the holiday gathering.

How many gifts do the elves give in a single night? Countless.

How cold is it at the North Pole? At this time of year temperatures can range from 35 to 100 degrees below zero.

Many of this year’s questions centered around reindeer, perhaps because two of his reindeer were transported here with the help of One Room Reindeer in Emmett.

The children watched as they ate grains while they ate cocoa with whipped cream and sugar cookies from the town of Ketchum themselves.


The official Christmas tree at Ketchum Town Square features special Ketchum ornaments that proclaim the “Small Town” message. Big life.”

Why are there only two reindeer here? The rest are at home in the North Pole taking aerobics classes to prepare for Christmas Eve.

How does Rudolph’s nose work? Rudolph is a mystery to all of us. A touch on the nose and I go up the chimney.

And finally, Ketchum Mayor Neil Bradshaw signaled that it was time to let Santa return home so he could complete preparations for Christmas.

Where is Mrs. Claus? Mrs. Claus is very busy this time of year, checking every list and checking them twice. Without here it would be impossible for me to do what I do.


Rosa Nunez, who studied all about the Arctic during the Far+Wise after-school program, shows off the giant snowflake she made.

How long does it take to get here from the North Pole? A blink of an eye.

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