
“Saturday Night Live” brings in Tom Hanks, Tina Fey and others to introduce Martin Short to the “Five-Timers Club.”

“Saturday Night Live” brings in Tom Hanks, Tina Fey and others to introduce Martin Short to the “Five-Timers Club.”

Saturday Night Live Tom Hanks, Tina Fey, Paul Rudd, Melissa McCarthy and others lined up to welcome Martin Short to the “Five-Timers Club,” or those who have hosted the show at least five times.

“I just want to say that I’m so happy to be here for this moment, so I want to present to you the official Five Timer’s Club jacket in your exact size – a women’s small,” Jimmy Fallon said.

Short then had a bit of trouble putting the jacket on.

“From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say that I love most of you so much,” Short told the star-studded group.

The cameo appearances were consistent with the series’ 50th season, which featured hosts and former cast members.

The opening speech also featured Scarlett Johansson (who closed the door on Colin Jost), Kristen Wiig, Emma Stone, John Mulaney and Alec Baldwin (who, unlike the others, wore a “17” on his jacket).

Hanks began by noting that he founded the SNL Five Timers Club in December 1990, “a brilliantly lazy way to avoid writing a monologue. It has grown into one of the most exclusive clubs in our industry.”

The start in a bar lounge was a kind of short roast.

He told Fey, “You’re one of the rarest things in Hollywood – a writer attractive enough to be in front of the camera.”

“And you are one of the least rare things in Hollywood – a loud man,” she replied.

Short roasted Steve Martin, his Just murders in the building co-star when Hanks told him that they would be serving a signature cocktail, the Marty-tini.

“You know, it’s often paired with our Steve Martini, but tonight we’re serving it on its own,” Hanks told him.

“And I bet it’s even better on its own,” Short replied.

There was a political reference during the skit.

At one point, Wiig revealed that she and Short “took a hot yoga class together where we made love and got kicked out… And then we both voted for Trump.”

“Don’t tell them that,” Short shot back.

“It’s okay. In this club you can be completely honest. Anyone else want to try it?” Wiig said.

“I’ll go,” Rudd said. He then revealed, “Ant-Man’s powers are not good.”

“I’ll go,” Fey said. “It’s me who flies these drones. All.”

“I’m leaving,” Hanks said. “I never had Covid.”

“I’m leaving,” said Johansson. “I have Covid right now.”

“I’m going,” Baldwin said. “I have way too many children.”

More will follow.

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