
Strand’s help, tips and advice for today, December 17th

Strand’s help, tips and advice for today, December 17th

The New York Times’ strands The December 17th issue is now available. This fascinating game is different from the usual word search game. It allows you to perform a word search in any direction instead of being limited to finding the word in the correct order. Each puzzle has a theme, the discovery of which will make your search for words easier. The game also features a Spangram concept, one or two words describing the theme found on two opposite sides of the grid. Find clues and answers for today’s NYT Strands here.

Strands tip and topic for December 17th

Below you will find the December 17th theme and clues to solve the puzzle.

Today’s topic is It’s lit.

Topic Note: It is a type or style of literature/media that comes more from fantasy than reality. A small example could be science fiction.

What are the Strands answers for today, December 17th?

Below is the Spangram topic and Strands’ response for the December 17th issue. These answers will make it easier for you to find words.

Spangram topic: fiction genre

  • The “F” is in the first column and extends across the other side of the grid, ending with an “E” in the second row.

  • Today’s Spangram topic is the fiction genre, a style of literature that comes from a person’s imagination and is not real.

Here is the word list:

ROMANCE – The “R” is placed as the first letter in the fourth column, with the word completed in the first column and the third row where “E” is located.

CRIME – The “C” is in the second column and the word is later created by first moving left towards the first column and then straight down to an “E”.

WESTERN – The “W” is in the third row, forming the word in an upward zigzag shape.

HISTORICAL – The “H” is in the third to last row.

FANTASY – The “F” is in the second to last row and the word forms in the U direction on the left side.

The post Beach’s Help, Hints and Hints for Today, December 17th appeared first on – Movie Trailers, TV & Streaming News and More.

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