
Summary of the game: América vs. Cruz Azul

Summary of the game: América vs. Cruz Azul

El America en la Ida contra Cruz Azul When he entered America, he was not aggressive, he was not tied to the position of the pelota, and he was not afraid of the poor performance of the machine and had an opponent’s marker for his luck in the game 0:0 y deberán deberán defines as finalista el nóximo domingo.

Las Águilas In this league, the team was not in the group that left André Jardine in the bench before Toluca took over Esperar al Rival and Atacarlo en Contragolpeswith Cruz Azul, now without function.

Los de Martín Anselmi was very superiortuvieron the pelota and on more than one occasion question Marco de Luis Ángel Malagón, quiet a vez más demonstro que está convertedido in the most Mexican portero de facto.

The machine was the only intentionincluding the first hour in Coapa, where the cost of playing on Earth is high, the game can be very simple and it is that in Malagón the celestial bodies must take different shapes.

In the second year of human history, it was just a moment when America planned another time, and A child of Chicote Calderón who met the angel His lofty pose was created by Kevin Mier.

It was the only time when most people in America had that chance because they wanted it Los Cementeros I turn to the ballast ports and wish that you do not go to Malagón Completely control the game.

Víctor Dávila is in the running

Sobre el final del encuentro Garden with the minutes of Víctor DávilaI haven’t played in the city since October due to an injury and I was a player who could find a solution for the duel of the next Domingo in this city of Deportes.

I have no problem solving a problem las Águilas para la VueltaPhew Deben Ganar When you are in the encounter, you can achieve successive opportunities until the last time until the Bolet on the machine creates the greatest goal.

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