
The AEMET warns of the Borrasca Dorothea and señala las zonas de España en alarma por vientos huracanados

The AEMET warns of the Borrasca Dorothea and señala las zonas de España en alarma por vientos huracanados

La Meteorological forecast of the time At the end of the week it’s like finding an antique dealer The climatic situation in Spain is stable throughout most of the territorywith desperate eyes and many hours of sun and cold on the Mitad Norte peninsula. To do ello mientras, además, que se registran Heladas during the Madrugadas, especially in the interioras is the case in the zones of the Meseta and in the valleys of the major rivers, especially in the north.

That’s one way, la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología(AEMET) destaca como fenómenos significantativos the probability of Nevada in the north of the Pyrenees. Además, como consecuencia de la borrasca Dorotheathe new AEMET broadcast, Intervals in which people live in the Canary Islandsespecially in the West, cannot be used Huracanadasde cierzo en el bajo Ebro and de tramontana en Ampurdán.

Temperatures must be below minimum temperatures

La AEMET augura un Rise of the highest temperatures in the Canary Islandsmientras que, por su parte, Descend into the mountains of the northeastern peninsula and hike into the rest. No reason, the temperatures Minimum occurrence in the Canary Islands, in the extreme north and on the peninsulaswith descent to the rest. Asimismo, se prevén Heladas weakened in most of the interior zones of the Mitad North Peninsula, in the southwest and in the Sierras del Sury que pueden ser For the mountains of the extreme north.

En cuanto al vientose espera que soplen North and northeast coast of the Balearic Islands, northeast peninsulamientras que Dominate the east and northeast in the rest of Spain. Furthermore, in Ampurdán, near the Ebro and the Levante in the Estrecho, prevailing periods are associated with “my wanderers from the Tramontana”.

Además, the AEMET apunta a que habrá Vientos “Intensos” del este y Surest en the Archipiélago Canario, with Intervalos de Viento “fuerte” rachas “muy fuertes”que en las islas occidentales pueden llegar a ser Huracanadas.

The countercyclical situation remains: you will not be deterred

Para la jornada de hoy, la AEMET señala que Before the situation continues before arrivalpor lo que predominaran los cielos “poco nubosos or despejados” en todo el territory. Tan Solo se espera que hya nubosidad en el Entorno Cantábrico, Alto Ebro, Pirineo and Norte de la Penínsulaas is the case in extreme cases on the peninsula.

With that in mind, it baffles me that it is so Rainfall affecting the oriental Cantábrico and Pirineosbut we will not enter the restoration areas of the extreme northern peninsula, except the Estrecho and Alborán areas. There was some rainfall in El Pirineose prevén en forma de Nieve a Cotas de Entorno, 800/1200 subways (are not in the northeast and at the points of the Meseta Norte).

Asimismo la AEMET prevé que será Abundant Nubosidad Baja Matinal and other zones of the Mitad Norte PeninsulaIt is likely that there are never blows in the interior of Galicia, the precipitation areas of the northeast and the points of the northern Mediterranean. Además, se Esperan In between, there are probably chubascos in the north of the archipelago in the Balearic Islandsbut now and then in the restaurant.

For your part, Canary Islands under the influence of an Atlantic coast known as Dorothea, que dejará cielos nubosos or cubiertos with precipitaciones in the islas occidentales, poco probables en las orientales, y con Calima Ligera that affects all of the archipelago.

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