
“The Bear” breakthrough: Matty Matheson takes over the helm of the indie biker film “Born To Lose” with “Halloween” actor Dylan Arnold

“The Bear” breakthrough: Matty Matheson takes over the helm of the indie biker film “Born To Lose” with “Halloween” actor Dylan Arnold

EXCLUSIVE: American actor Dylan Arnold is best known for his starring role in David Gordon Green’s film Halloween Remake and the popular Netflix series Youwill direct the indie feature Born to lose.

The film, from director Joseph Zentil, making his feature film debut, follows Andy Logan (Arnold), a young biker as he grapples with his father’s difficult legacy and his growing debt to a local gangster. As he attempts to restore a vintage motorcycle to save himself, he must confront family secrets and falsify his own identity.

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Born to lose James Le Gros also plays (Drugstore Cowboy) as Jed Duncan, Andy’s reluctant mentor Ambyr Childers (The master) as Julie Logan, Andy’s worried sister Sarah Pidgeon (Little beautiful things) as Tabitha, a country singer and Andy’s on-off girlfriend, and Shane Callahan (Stupid) as Roddy, the local gangster.

The film was written by Pierce Csurgo, Zentil and Eric J. Kinsey, who serves as co-producer. Producers are Csurgo & Zentil of Strange Customs, Tom Putnam and Brett Woodall of Commonwealth Creative Entertainment, and Roger M. Mayer of Brooklyn Reptyle Productions. Michele Silva-Neto of Cretney Williams Investments and Matty Matheson (The bear) are executive producers.

Cameras are currently rolling for production. The film is shot in and around Paducah, a small town of nearly 27,000 people in rural western Kentucky.

Born to lose grew out of a deeply personal reason – our own complex relationships with our fathers and a passion for vintage motorcycles and the people who ride them,” Zentil and Csurgo said in a joint statement. “We wanted to tell an honest coming-of-age story that explores the complicated family dynamics while celebrating the richness of small-town America.”

Dylan Arnold is repped by Gersh Agency and Kim Callahan by Industry Entertainment. James Le Gros is repped by Innovative and David Lillard at Industry Entertainment. Ambyr Childers is repped by CESD Talent Agency and Michael Adler and Matt Luber are repped by Luber Roklin Entertainment. Sarah Pidgeon is represented by Gersh and Sandra Chang at Anonymous Content. Shane Callahan is repped by Amsel, Eisenstadt, Frazier & Hinojosa Talent Agency and Angie Lucania by Entertainment Lab.

Check out some stills from the production below.

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