
The national flight of Pascual Guerrero has left Palmira airport to return to Medellín

The national flight of Pascual Guerrero has left Palmira airport to return to Medellín

Casi a la medianoche y luego de Tener que celebrar and recibir the trophy de campeón en the camerino, los jugadores, directivos and body técnico de Atlético Nacional Please leave the stadium Pascual Guerrero en tanqueta.

As we crossed the 85th minute of the celebration, we were disturbed because of the commotion that I received at the Tribuna sur Pascual GuerreroDonde se ubica the barra of Barón Rojo y de adelante todo fue caos y tristeza.

Within a few hours, the police ordered a department of the facility to evacuate the stadium in the direction of the conductors Efrain Juarezque debian ir hasta el Alfonso Bonilla Aragon Airportlocated in Palmira, for your return to Medellín.

In their speeches, different players of the green country compare the path that Pascual Guerrero achieved together with the plane Alfonso Bonilla Arangón.

Sebastián Guzmán, Harlen Castillo, Pablo Ceppelini, Willian Tesillo, Kevin Parra j Marino Hinestroza When I set off for Medellín, it was as if we were in the middle of the area, where I wanted to leave the accommodation in the gas station and the city that was pouring into Palmira.

The Partido para de finir el campeón and the one who left America’s desperation with Adrián Ramos for riots, vandalism and, of all things, to the police in Cali, Alcaldía informed that an investigation has been opened to individualize those officers responsible They blame injured police officers, injured people and the community affected by injuries, damage and danger in the residential neighborhoods and commercial locations of the stadium’s spectators.

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