
The Panama Canal dispute is causing tensions between the United States and China

The Panama Canal dispute is causing tensions between the United States and China

Barcos cruzando las esclusas de
Barcos cruzando las esclusas de Gatun en el Canal de Panama (Federico Rios/The New York Times)

President-elect Donald Trump’s message at the end of the week in which he recaptured the Panama Canal was designed to make clear that “Decades of trading experience financing the surge in China and its strategic operations in America endedsaid a Trump-designed feature.

Successor administrations approve a “Vacuum of control and influence“In the Western half, Mauricio Claver-Carone said on Monday, named by Trump as special envoy for Latin America in the upcoming administration.

But previous administrations also inherited Trump’s first mandate while their policies centered on migration and sanctions against it Venezuelaincluding Cuando Panama We have maintained diplomatic relations with Taiwan and have been in contact with them China In 2017, the ports opened to investors and companies in China that received approvals for major infrastructure projects elsewhere in the region.

The elected president of the state
President-elect of the United States Donald Trump (REUTERS/Cheney Orr)

The comments from Trump’s reviewers may reflect a more vivid interpretation of his “Prime America” ​​policy in the midst of a credible alarm that the commander of forces stationed in the region crippled China’s significant presence in the region a few years ago “Line of 18 Metros (20 Yards)” of America. During this time, the incumbent government has entered the Latin American world, making it easier to exert political pressure on the outside world – or even just a tough view of other parts of the world.

Declaring that the canal was a “vital national activity” for the EU, Trump made an endorsement similar to Domingo’s for the rest of the midterm. In a publication on social networks “The ownership and control of Groenlandia by the EEUU is an absolute necessity” for the security of the national state and “freedom around the world.”

Mauricio Claver-Carone (Tarina Rodriguez/Bloomberg)
Mauricio Claver-Carone (Tarina Rodriguez/Bloomberg)

Ninguna de las affirmations era new. In 2019, Trump was asked to buy for the first time Greenlandiaan autonomous region of Denmark receiving the offer. A year ago, in an interview with Tucker Carlson and X, Elon Musk’s Red Social, Trump falsely said that China “controls” and manages the Panama Canal.

“You are president of Iran because you have a very good relationship with Xi,” Trump said in August 2023, drawing a rejection from Chinese President Xi Jinping. “I respect this country. I respetaba, y se irá. It is not allowed to enter the Canal de Panama. Construction of the Panama Canal. Nunca se debió haber entregado a Panama”.

Trump has long been an admirer of the Doctrina MonroeThe 19th Seal’s warning points to the European potential for the United States to resist European colonialism and interference in the Western hemisphere. The subsequent administration claimed the policy as the state’s justification for its historic interventions in the region. But the doctrine is “the official policy of our country,” Trump said in an ONU discourse in 2018.

Trump said China had it
Trump claimed that China had made a decision and planned to turn away (Photo: Reuters)

Tanto Panama as China rechazaron the most recent name of Trump. In a televised discussion about the Dominican Republic and the Panamanian president José Raúl Mulino I say: “Any subway station on the Panama Canal and its zone that adjoins and continues Panama.”

Sosteniendo una copia encuadernada en cuero rojo de los tratados del Canal de Panama de 1977, Mulino dijo que “La Soberanía e Independencia de Nuestro País No Son Negociables”.

China’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mao Ning reiterated Mulino’s statement that there was no “direct or indirect control, no power” over the canal. ““China, as in the siempre, respects the sobriety of Panama over the canal and explores the canal as a via international fluvial permanentemente neutral.”said Mao in Beijing.

Wang Youming, Institute for International Studies in China in Beijing, interpreted Trump’s frenzy differently. “Trump’s ultimate goal was to negotiate the best Portuguese rates for the Barcos with the Panamanian government; This is just a negotiation tacticsaid Global Times, a Partido Comunista tabloid published in English.

Since sea traffic via the Panama Canal dates back to the late 1960s, we must avoid the major road connecting Cabo de Hornos to the extreme via South America. Transportation fares can be several dollar miles for the commercial bars and largest pasajeros. Since 2017, Chinese companies have granted approvals for a range of major infrastructure projects, from energy facilities and an iron transport company to expansions and other key canal projects. In 2018, Xi conducted a state visit to Panama following Panama’s initiative in France and the Ruta.

“Our marina and our company have treated us very unfairly from the beginning and are about to get juicy,” Trump said in a recent speech on social media. “Las tariffs que cobra Panamá son absurdas, especialmente sabiendo la extraordinaria generosidad que se ha otorgado a Panamá por parte de los EEUU”.

The prices, set by an independent Panamanian commission, were recruited for all trips, initially they had to give a consequence of reducing the levels of the water and leading to a reduction in the number of bars that they could reach, and that just a year ago The system of reservations must impose several barcos that are not allowed to enter the square.

“Las tariffs not se establecen de forma caprichosa,” Mulino said. Panamá paid numerous eulogies to its management of the canal after the transfer of ownership to the EEUU was completed, until a letter came to the Siglo. The United States intends to gain control over the likelihood of representing greater legal and international opinion.

As China held a military presence in America, the Sur-Comando was concerned with reversing China’s critical infrastructure, including deep-water ports and urban and spatial installations that could “enable dual potential for commercial and military activities.” Many years ago, the EEUU warned of the challenges of World War II and Greater China’s dependence on China and were ignored by others as Latin American countries had a socio-economic dispute in Beijing and the United States was less demanding.

Panama was converted to the country in 1903 after the separation from Colombia by the United States government under the presidency of Teddy RooseveltI had imagined that since I spent a lot of time working on the construction of a canal on the route between South and Central America.

The river road was built by engineers who were used in large medication and were retained on Caribbean islands. Trump told Carlson that 35,000 people had been killed during construction due to mosquito transmission, and at the end of the week there were 38,000. During the construction period of the EEUU, the majority of workers are out of the country.

The original report between the United States and Panama was transmitted by the United States in perpetuity across the canal, which extends over a zone 8 kilometers from the center of the river road. The zone currently consists only of residents of the state, mainly military service members of the EEUU and their families at a military base across the country.

At the end of the decade of 1960 and the tenets of the decade of 1970, as the colonial era became increasingly reclaimed and the United States competed for moral supremacy with the Soviet Union and entered into the Tercer Mundo, they expressed opposition to the EEUU Sacudieron Las Ciudades Panama. The administration of President Richard M. Nixon negotiated with the judicial dictatorship of Omar Torrijos to leave the channel as well as the zone.

In the debates over recent successes between Torrijos and President Jimmy Carter, the incumbent senator’s opponents began to attack the canal for a second time in 2000. Panama shows that the river strait is almonds “permanently neutral” Based on the propiedad pannameña, sin discriminación hacia ningún país respect to the peajes or the accesso.

One of the main critics, vindicated by critics before ratification in 1977, and quoted by some current critics of the acts, noted that the canal had recently been “interrupted” and that the United States and Panama were the Opinion that this is the case de Manera is “independent” for the restoration of its operations, “including military operations in the Republic of Panama”.

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