
The price is R$ 6 for the first day with a tax package and IR reform in mind

The price is R$ 6 for the first day with a tax package and IR reform in mind

The dollar for Ultrapassou in this fifth week (28) was R$ 6.00, having begun its distribution in 1994, and the market was assessed negatively after announcing the guest post content package in the government Veio acompanhado de uma inesperada Reform of the Imposto de Renda. As of 11:23 a.m. the price is 1.51%, the retail price is R$ 6,001.

The deposit for the collection of R$ 5.91 last year, the largest historical increase, was recently announced on the criminal complaint of Renda (IR) for obtaining R$ 5 million, which further raises the concern increased balance of the government’s public administration.

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Had announced on Friday an increase in the penalty for the payment of 5 million reais, noting that the initiative had granted compensation for the increase in taxes for the achievement of 50 million reais.

What is a Dollar Cost?

At 9:10 a.m., the commercial dollar, with a price of 1.01%, cost R$ 5,970 to buy and R$ 5,972 to sell. During the day the payout is R$5,999. Na B3, the equivalent value of the future dollar before the first vencimento below 0.60%, i.e. 5.995 points.

Banco Central finalized 15,000 traditional swap contracts for sale in its last meeting on January 2, 2025.

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Dólar commercial

  • Purchase: R$ 5,970
  • Sale: R$ 5,972

Dollar tourism

Purchase: R$ 5,859

Sale: R$ 6,039

The content appropriations package announced and detailed by the government in the fourth quarter amounted to an economic impact of 71.9 billion reals in 2025 and 2026, an impact of 327 reals in 2030 compared to the executive In the presentation about the package.

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In his statement, the governor noted in detail that a series of proposals for the Congress constituted a restriction on re-grassing by the Benefício de Prestação Continuada, which was not stated during the proclamation of the Fazenda Minister Fernando Haddad at the speech of the national radio and television station was announced.

No BPC, he has not previously linked the derivation of the trial to the management, the agreement with the representation and the passarão to the contact for access to the trial and the non-resident companion and the farewell to Irmão’s, Filho’s and Enteado’s co-residents.

Two market analysts who are nervous about disclosing financial resources in order to have to make two promises again to leave the public administrations or the drugs related to the reform of the IR Levantava via a compromise with the government as mentioned above to announce balance of content.

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“The market has demonstrably received the men, but they are of great bravery, but the superior remuneration they have received is 5 million and I am pleased with them.” “It is difficult to interpret the formal announcement as I “I didn’t try to win back a popular company because I wasn’t in a position to do so,” said Eduardo Moutinho, an analyst at Ebury Bank.

Segundo Haddad, a compensator for the increase in the court verdict of the IR, a campaign promise of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, granted me the tax increase for obtaining an amount of more than R$ 50 million and a limit on the court verdict penalty de saúde a quem ganha até 20 million R$.

On the Brazilian right-hand turn, since DI officials were particularly strong in long-term contracting, investors received high risk premiums for the country.
“According to Demora, the response to the disclosure of this mediation package had to increase investors’ expectation of an answer that the governor had to put on the table, saying that communication with the governor was to be expected,” said Leonel Mattos, market intelligence analyst by StoneX.

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For this reason, it is a real challenge for their young people who have lost a lot of money in front of the dollar or on the sidelines when the domestic communication makes its decisions for Brazilian investors.

The dollar index – required by North American money – is below 0.10%, i.e. 106,220.

The focus remains on the new governor’s expectations of the President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, as collective bargaining has led to a trade war with Europe and China, or he has favored the dollar.

Earlier this week, Trump called for the imposition of 25% tariffs on all products from Mexico and Canada, as well as an additional price on Chinese products.

(com Reuters)

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