
The SUC supports a native woman through a bank at the sender Casa de Tabla in Barlovento (La Palma)

The SUC supports a native woman through a bank at the sender Casa de Tabla in Barlovento (La Palma)

Late in the evening of December 20th (December 20th), the Canario Urgencia Servicio (SUC) assisted a deceased woman with a shipment to the sender Casa de Tabla in the municipality of Barlovento (La Palma), informing him of a communication from the Centro Coordinador de Emergencias y Security (CECOES) 1-1-2 del Gobierno de Canarias.

The revaluation of the person concerned, promoted by the Canary Islands Emergency Service (SUC), was injured at the beginning of the residency by a “woman 67 years ago who was treated in a rescue ambulance for vital work of the SUC.” al Hospital General de La Palma ».

The services activated by the CECOES 1-1-2 are the following: the Servicio de Urgencias Canario (SUC), with a basic emergency ambulance; The Grupo de Montaña Cruz Roja on La Palma.

For more information, read the message from 1-1-2 Canarias: “At 5:18 p.m., the Centro Coordinador de Emergencias y Seguridad (CECOES) 1 1 2 of the Gobierno de Canarias received a notification informing that it is a message The sender sent a message The sender was mentioned in advance and needed sanitation.

“1 1 2 activó de immediate los recursos de notreccia sariosarios. The employees of the Grupo de Montaña intervened to rescue the affected person, who was assisted by the SUC and taken to the hospital center in an ambulance.

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