
The warning for dense fog applies from Wednesday

The warning for dense fog applies from Wednesday

The warning for dense fog is in effect until Saturday morning

There will also be storms this weekend. YES. So the storms that were there will be rolling through our area this morning. AND REALLY WHEN IT CAME TO US, SOME OF IT WAS WEAKENED. BUT we have started to see further remediation efforts. AND WE COULD SEE MORE RENOVATIONS LATER TODAY. So for now this is the camera for kids. YOU SEE THE SKY OVERLY CLOUDY AND THE PONTCHARTRAIN CONSERVANCY CAMERA ALSO I SAW A LITTLE SOME BLUE SKY TRYING TO PEEK THROUGH ALL THE CLOUDS WE SEE TODAY BUT FOR YOU THE SKY TAKES OVER ON DECK. Here’s what’s happening on the radar right now. Most of us are very calm. So this is the line that I looked at earlier that gave us a tornado warning over in Saint Tammany. BUT NOW WE JUST SEE A LOT OF THIS MOVEMENT. So BOOTHVILLE, at the very end of this Plaquemines community, and there are still a few showers and thunderstorms in your area. LET’S TALK ABOUT THE CHANCE OF INCORRECT WEATHER. WE STILL HAVE THIS CHANCE TODAY. However, the latest update has only reduced this a little. So we’re still at it. BUT THIS TIME IT’S A LITTLE LESS. If we look at your counties in Mississippi, here’s basically what you’re seeing: As we head into the next few hours, we could see a few light showers along the North Coast. AS WE GET DEEPER INTO THE AFTERNOON. It just depends on whether we get a little more heating during the day. WE ARE ALREADY VERY WARM NOW. We could see more of these showers and thunderstorms heading our way, especially as we get closer to 4:05 p.m. we can see this strengthening on the south shore as well. So keep an eye out for it. THIS CONTINUES IN. AND THEN SOME OF THEM COULD MAY SWITCH FROM THE STRONG SIDE TO THE HEAVY SIDE. BUT NOW STILL A LEVEL 1. So there’s a slim chance of seeing that. But after that, once we finish this evening and until this evening, we will be very calm even for tomorrow morning. Quiet at the beginning, just mostly cloudy. NOW THE SEVERE WEATHER THREAT FOR TOMORROW. However, we are still at increased risk, especially for many MISSISSIPPI. ALSO GOOD PARTS OF LOUISIANA. So everyone in the South has to deal with this. That has changed especially for us since this morning. The last update appeared at around 11:30 a.m. It now contains parts of Hammond. ALSO CONTAINS BATON ROUGE. So EARLIER IS just above that. NOW YOU HAVE PUSHED IT DOWN A BIT AND YOU STILL SEE LEVEL TWO FOR PARTS OF THE NORTH COAST AND THE SOUTH COAST THAT HAS SHIFTED VERY SLIGHTLY. AND THEY STILL SEE A BORDERLINE RISK FOR PARTS CLOSER TO THE COAST. In terms of impacts, we now expect damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes. WE ALREADY HAVE A TORNADO WARNING FOR TODAY. WE EXPECT SEVERALS. THIS IS THE POSSIBILITY FOR TOMORROW. And depending on how long a thunderstorm lasts in the area, it could even cause flooding. SO THIS WILL BE ALL SATURDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH EVENING. So I’ll track this down for you. THIS IS WHAT WE LOOK LIKE. That’s why I mentioned that Saturday morning will be pretty quiet for us. Not much happens. IT’S 10 AM HERE. WE’LL SEE A FEW POP-UPS HAPPENING HERE AND THERE. BUT JUST VERY ISOLATED. And then when we get there at 3 p.m., look at this. SEE WHAT’S COMING. So we haven’t even reached the main event yet. BUT As soon as we get to 5, 6, 7 p.m., it gets closer and closer. Around 8 p.m. he sneaks through Baton Rouge and Hammond and continues like that. THEN we expect this storm. 11:00 p.m. It’s still hanging. IT FINALLY BEGINS TO MOVE. Until it’s very early on Sunday morning. So this is the time for that. I expect it to last until the evening hours and then I’ll continue moving out. Until we make it to very early Sunday. As far as the amount of precipitation we expect from the flooding, that’s not the main concern. AS I MENTIONED, LESS THAN 2.5 INCHES FOR MOST. BUT BUT THESE IMPACT WILL BE TORNADOES AND STRONG WINDS. Hail will also be a possibility for you. That’s why we’ll of course keep you up to date on this. WE ARE T

The warning for dense fog is in effect until Saturday morning

The National Weather Service has just issued a dense fog warning for all of southeast Louisiana that is in effect until 10 a.m. Saturday. Poor visibility can lead to dangerous driving conditions. When driving slower, turn on your headlights and leave enough distance in front of you. The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) also issued several forecasts for possible severe weather across portions of our region today and Saturday. The WDSU First Warning Weather Team has identified Saturday as a weather alert day due to these severe weather threats. The SPC’s latest update continues to show a minor threat, or level 1 out of 5, meaning a marginal risk of possible severe storms with threats. There was heavy rain, lightning, strong wind gusts, large hail and tornadoes this evening. However, an increased risk of possible severe storms of level 3 out of 5 was already identified for parts of the Northshore on Saturday.

The National Weather Service has just issued a dense fog warning for all of southeast Louisiana that is in effect until 10 a.m. Saturday.

Warning of thick fog

Poor visibility can make driving conditions dangerous. When driving slower, use your headlights and leave enough distance in front of you.

The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) also issued several forecasts for possible severe weather across portions of our region today and Saturday. The WDSU First Warning Weather Team has identified Saturday as a weather alert day due to this threat of severe weather.

The SPC’s latest update continues to show a low threat level or a marginal risk level 1 out of 5 for possible severe storms, with the risk of heavy rain, lightning, strong wind gusts, large hail and tornadoes through this evening.

Warning of thick fog

However, an increased risk of possible severe storms of level 3 out of 5 was already identified for parts of the north coast on Saturday.

Warning of thick fog

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