
This is my story and I celebrate it on December 12th

This is my story and I celebrate it on December 12th

Cada año, el December 12th se celebrate el Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Patrona of Mexico and Americait is one of the most popular proponents of the Virgin Mary because she is venerated all over the world.

Particularly admired for the Milagros who decided that day that many miles of hikers would get to their basilica at the Pie de Cerro Tepeyac in the north of the country City of Mexicopara honrarla, pedirle asistencia y agradecerle.

La worship a la Virgen de Guadalupe its origin is a part of the sus apariciones In 1531 he was sent to the city when he encountered him sanctuary.

December 12th is the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe

Como adelantamos, la devoción a la Virgen de Guadalupe Surgió was part of his fourth preparations and was confirmed in the forests of Tepeyac Hill between December 9th and 12th, 1531 ACI Pressathe Agencia Católica de Informaciones.

The voice is escuchó Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin Provenia de la Cima del Cerro. But I know his story from back then.

A decade after the work began Conquest of Mexicogo missioneros españoles A complete situation arises. Their evangelistic intentions did not produce the results they wanted to achieve

The Virgin appeared before Juan Diego between December 9th and 12th, 1531. Photo: ArchiveThe Virgin appeared before Juan Diego between December 9th and 12th, 1531. Photo: Archive

Among other things, the situation mentioned was considered “with the conviction of the conquistadors of the countless”. pecados cometidos contra los indígenas, así como las controdicciones de la ambición desmedida y el ansia de poder”.

This determines what’s going on Conversions Fuesen escasas o, al menos, poco solidas.

Era la madrugada del December 9, 1531and Tepeyac. Allí, Juan Diego, a native of the Chichimeca ethnic group that built the Christian faith of the Franciscans, was able to understand him Senora de Inmaculada Belleza And I have a bright red dress like the sun.

“Juanito, yo soy the siempre Virgen María, Madre del verdadero Dios, por quien se leve. Deseo vivamente que se me construya aquí a templo, for en thel mostrar and digar todo my love, compasión, auxilio y defensa to dos los moradores de That’s all I called I’m confidential. for the mensaje.

Juan Diego comunicó esto al obispo, Juan de Zumarraga -primer arzobispo de México-, pero éste No, le creyo And I came up with the idea of ​​harassing the woman again senal de veracidad.

The priest took over the Obispo mission and referred to the Holy Spirit of the Virgin who was bothering him Regresara al día siguienteas soon as the Señal pedida is there.

Without embargo, cuenta la historia, que Juan Diego can’t imagine On the other hand, Juan Bernardino had a great danger, a point where he failed.

Avergonzado por no poder cumplir esta promesa, en la madrugada del December 12th Desperate for a holy devotion that followed her to the extreme, I decided on the other path to avoid a new encounter with the Virgin.

María was present at the moment and had the opportunity to get it. Juan Diego said that the Virgin was about to do this Juan Bernardino is a sanado.

Luego, ella le pidio que subiera la cima del monte, que recogera Flowers y se las llevara consigo. Once the pareció was destroyed, it was in the winter and the fields were not in flower, Juan Diego cumplió With the request for the virgin.

Amazingly, when he met, he realized that he wanted to leave the men on the Feldhermosa Rosas de Castilla This misma has flowers in the terrestrial air.

When he was present before the Obispo, Juan Diego said to him and read the roses of the Milagro Cayeron over him.

But, además, sobre la aspera manta tejida con fibers de cactus estaba, inexplicablemente estampada, la Picture From what I know, how I do Virgen de Guadalupe And superficiality appreciated the retreat so much that it was as gentle as it was seda .

This primer Milagro Ocurrió el December 12, 1531. Por eso, every December 12th seconmemora el Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

The Santuario de la Virgen de Guadalupe was built in the Church of the Saints. The Santuario de la Virgen de Guadalupe was built in the Church of the Saints.

The next day, Obispo Zumárraga entered the equipment store and placed the order Construct everything at one pace. .

Sanado, Juan Bernardino The content goes to Juan Diego, who also saw the Virgin, and Ella did so testimonio de esa curación al obispo.

Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin received the title of Beatus and his Holy Scripture from Pope Juan Pablo II in 2002 and was converted by him Primer Santo Indigena de America.

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