
This is the address to the Virgin of Guadalupe on December 12th

This is the address to the Virgin of Guadalupe on December 12th

Las y los peregrinos se volverán a reunion in the Basilica de Guadalupe to celebrate a la Virgen, (Cuartoscuro)
Las y los peregrinos se volverán a reunion in the Basilica de Guadalupe to celebrate a la Virgen, (Cuartoscuro)

More than 400 years ago before the opening Virgen de Guadalupe A Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill, many people visited his house in the city City of Mexico To celebrate the holidays, acknowledge your wishes and increase your attention throughout the year.

In Mexico, la Virgen de Guadalupe It is one of the most questioned and respected religious figures, revered as the protector of hell, but above all like the wife of the Mexicans, who protects her loved ones at this moment.

According to tradition, the Virgin appeared several times to Juan Diego Tonantzin in 1531 while he was beginning the construction of a temple in the Tepeyac territory between other locations.

Peregrinos llegan hoy a la Basilica de Guadalupe en Ciudad de México (México). EFE/ Sáshenka Gutierrez
Peregrinos llegan hoy a la Basilica de Guadalupe en Ciudad de México (México). EFE/ Sáshenka Gutierrez

When we reunited miles of fields in the Basílica de Guadalupe, it was my belief that we would receive prayers for closure and ask for the Virgin’s intervention in the causes, because it was the centurion she was asked by Pope Juan Pablo II. in 1979 received:

Oh, Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, Mother of the Verdadero Dios and Mother of the Iglesia!

This is your grace and compassion for all those you have asked for your help: greet the religious community you have directed and present them before your Holy Jesus, our only Redeemer.

Madre de misericordia, Maestra del sacrificio escondido y silencioso, a Ti, que sales al encuentro de nosotros, los pecadores. Your congratulations also include our lives, our work, our alegrias, our ecstatics and our loved ones.

As peace, justice and prosperity lie in our villages, we all need to know that you have been taken care of. Señora y Mother Nuestra.

A hiker looks at the image of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in the basilica on her feast on December 12, 2023. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)
A hiker looks at the image of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in the basilica on her feast on December 12, 2023. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)

The Queremos were completely new and were able to record the path along the way. A complete fidelity to Jesucristo in his Iglesia. We are not afraid of your love.

Virgen de Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, te pedimos por todos Los Obispos. So that they can leave the fields to the broadcasters of intense Christian life, love and humble service to Dios ya las Almas.

Think about it, it’s a big deal, and advocate for the señor to inhabit the saint’s house and the entire Pueblo de Dios. They have plenty of priestly and religious professions. Fuertes en felos and celosos dispensadores de los misterios de Dios.

Recognize the grace of love in our lives and respect the life that you associate with the woman of love that you conceived in your last life with the Hijo de Dios.

Virgin of Santa Maria. Madre del Amor Hermoso, protégé of our family, for whom there are many universities and we dedicate ourselves to the education of our hijos.

When I was associated with the Catholic Church, the Virgin Mary appeared on several occasions to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, a humble indigenous person from around the world who was converted to the Christian faith. (Photo: Desde la fe)
When I was associated with the Catholic Church, the Virgin Mary appeared on several occasions to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, a humble indigenous person from around the world who was converted to the Christian faith. (Photo: Desde la fe)

Esperanza nuestra, miranos with compasión. Enséñanos a ir continamente a Jesus y. si caemos, ayúdanos a levantarnos, volver a El, mediante the confisión of our culpas y pecados in the sacramento de la Penitencia, que trae sosiego alma.

We ask that we have a great love for the Holy Sacraments. These are the Huellas that your Hijo brought to earth.

Así, Madre Santísima, with the peace of God and the conciencia. With our loved ones free from marks and dislikes, we must focus on everything to achieve the green world and the peaceful world. que vienen de tu Hijo, our Señor Jesucristo que con Dios Padre and con the Espíritu Santo, live y reina por los siglos de los siglos.


Also a song that was sung the most during the celebration Virgen de Guadalupe It is la siguiente, la cual es inprescindible para alabar a la morenita:

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana.

La Guadalupana, La Guadalupana.

La guadalupana bajo al Tepeyac.

Suplicante juntaba sus manos.

Suplicante juntaba sus manos.

You Mexicans, you Mexicans.

You are Mexicans who know your Portuguese and your Faz.

Junto al monte pasaba Juan Diego.

Junto al monte pasaba Juan Diego.

Habrá cierre de vialidades, por lo que es importante tomar previewes. Credit: Cuartoscuro/Graciela López Herrera.
Habrá cierre de vialidades, por lo que es importante tomar previewes. Credit: Cuartoscuro/Graciela López Herrera.

Y acercose luego, y acercose luego.

Y acercose luego al oír cantar.

Juan Dieguito, the Virgin of Dijo

Juan Dieguito, the Virgin of Dijo.

This is the last time, this is the last time.

This is the cerro elijo para hacer mi altar.

Desde entonces para el mexicano.

Desde entonces para el mexicano.

Ser guadalupano, ser guadalupano.

Ser guadalupano is also essential.

En sus penas se postra de hinojos.

En sus penas se postra de hinojo.

Y eleva sus ojos, y eleva sus ojos.

Y eleva sus ojos hacia el Tepeyac.

Representing the encounter between the Virgin of Guadalupe and Juan Diego, an iconic scene in Mexican history. - (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae)
Representing the encounter between the Virgin of Guadalupe and Juan Diego, an iconic scene in Mexican history. – (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae)

In the tilma between pink pintadas.

In the tilma between pink pintadas.

Your picture amada, your picture amada.

You would like this picture.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana.

La Guadalupana, La Guadalupana.

La guadalupana bajo al Tepeyac.

La Guadalupana, La Guadalupana.

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