
Today’s word number 1284 with tips, hints and answers for Tuesday, December 24th

Today’s word number 1284 with tips, hints and answers for Tuesday, December 24th

Looking for Monday’s Wordle clues, clues and answers? You can find them here:

ForbesToday’s word number 1283 with tips, hints and answers for Monday, December 23rd

Merry Christmas Eve, Wordlers! I can’t believe we’re finally here, the year is almost over and 2025 marks the end of the first quarter of the 21st century. Most of us won’t live to see the end of this century, but we were here at the beginning. In 100 years, they’ll be playing virtual word games in their space holodecks and celebrating Christmas on Mars. Or so. Anyway, enjoy your friends and family today. Watch a good Christmas movie. Eat something tasty.

But first let’s solve this wordle!

How to solve today’s word

The note: I can fly higher, but only if you are the wind beneath my wings.

The note: This word has more vowels than consonants.

OK, Spoilers below!




The answer:

Word analysis

Every day I look at Wordle Bot to analyze my guessing game. You can check your Wordles with Wordle Bot right here.

I chose SAINT because I was really trying to think of a Christmas word and remembered I used it as one of my guesses yesterday. I thought, who knows, why don’t you give it a try? Unfortunately, all I had left was a green “A” and 198 words. Many of the possible words that came to mind had the letters that I ended up using in my second guess. I almost guessed all the new letters, but thought maybe I could get lucky and get the Wordle on the second try. EARLY was very close. I now had three green boxes and I could only think of one possible solution: EAGLE, for the win!

Competitive Wordle Score

I get 1 point for guessing three and 0 points for tying the bot.

How to Play Competitive Wordle

  • Guessing 1 is worth 3 points; guessing 2 is worth 2 points; guessing 3 is worth 1 point; guessing 4 is worth 0 points; guessing in 5 is -1 points; Guessing on 6 is -2 points and missing the wordle is -3 points.
  • If you beat your opponent you get 1 point. If there is a tie you get 0 points. And if you lose to your opponent, you get -1 point. Add it up to get your score. Keep a daily running score or simply play for a new score every day.
  • Fridays are 2XP, which means you double your points – positive or negative.
  • You can keep a running list or just play day by day. Enjoy!

Today’s Wordle etymology

The word “Eagle” comes from the Old French aiglewhich in turn is derived from the Latin Aquila. Aquila It is believed to have originated from Aquiluswhich means “dark-colored,” possibly referring to the bird’s plumage. Alternatively, it may refer to the Latin word Acer (sharp or sharp), reflecting the eagle’s keen vision and predatory nature.

Let me know how you got on with your Wordle today TwitterInstagram or Facebook. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me here on this blog, where I write about games, TV shows, and movies when I’m not writing puzzle guides. Sign up for my newsletter for more reviews and commentary on entertainment and culture.

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