
What is the weather forecast for the Ohio State game in Columbus?

What is the weather forecast for the Ohio State game in Columbus?

Temperatures will only reach 30 degrees today. That’s about 10 degrees below normal.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Tailgaters who miss out on Saturday’s Ohio State playoff game against Tennessee may be in luck when it comes to the weather.

Skies will be partly sunny this afternoon and will become clearer as game time approaches. The game is scheduled to begin tonight at 8 p.m. at the Shoe.

Today it remains relatively nice, at least for the winter. Temperatures will only reach 30 degrees today. That’s about 10 degrees below normal.

The breeze will ease this evening so there is no need to worry about the wind chill factor. However, fans should still prepare to bundle up.

It is important to note that fans can bring blankets, but they cannot be in a bag. They need to be loose so they can be inspected along the way.

Here are some more tips from FEMA on how to stay safe from the cold while watching the game outside:

  • Protect as much skin as possible. Don’t forget your hat, scarf and mitten.
  • Wear loose, light layers and a water-repellent jacket on top. Keep layers for when you get hot – sweat will make you cold.
  • Eat regularly to give your body energy to warm up.
  • Drink warm liquids like hot chocolate or tea. Avoid caffeine and alcohol – they constrict your blood vessels, making it difficult for warm blood to circulate.

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